Welcome to our website!

We serve homeschooling families in the Houston, TX area, with activities primarily in the Spring-Cypress and North Houston area.  We are dedicated to providing you and your children with opportunities to improve your homeschooling experience.  We help connect you with other homeschool families, classes, field trips, teen activities, resources, fun and more!  

Check out our site to see what we have planned for this year, and click on MEMBERSHIP to become a member of Deseret Homeschoolers!  Prospective families can join us for free at a few activities like holiday parties and socials to get to know us.  Please check the calendar and contact us if you have any questions.

Registration Info for 2024-2025

Welcome to another school year! We are working hard to make Deseret Homeschoolers a great resource for all families. Please explore our website to find out everything we offer, and watch our calendar for updates on activities.

Registration Will Open July 1st

To Renew your Registration, go to your Account Balance and pay the $55 renewal fee and any outstanding balances. Then update your Profile. Please give us 24-48 hours to process your request.

To Sign up as a First-time New Member, go to our Registration Page.

We're excited about the upcoming year!

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