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There are many ways you can support Deseret Homeschoolers, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so we can continue to offer free and low-cost activities.

  • Donate directly through PayPal using the DONATE button on this webpage.
  • Ask your employer (or your spouse's) if they offer to match donations.
  • Use our links to shop at the businesses listed on this page.  You pay the same price you would otherwise, and they donate a portion of that money to Deseret Homeschoolers.
  • Volunteer your time and skills to help enhance our programs.

Our fundraising efforts will support free family activities and buy needed group supplies. We also hope to fund additional future projects and scholarships.

Donate Through PayPal

Please click below to
donate to Deseret Homeschoolers:


Send us a donation with our Paypal account!


Link Deseret Homeschoolers to your Kroger card and we will receive rewards every time you shop!

Once you are signed in to Kroger Community Rewards, select "Enroll Now". Deseret Homeschoolers' NPO number is LM428. You will need to re-enroll every year.


Send us a donation with our new Venmo account!

For mobile: click on the QR code below to open the donation area in your Venmo app.

For desktop: use your phone's photo app to scan the QR image on your screen.


Click on the image above to shop through our link at Shutterfly and Tiny prints, and order as normal. Your prices won't change but we'll receive a small percentage of the purchase!

Thank You!