Welcome to the Home School Academy Welcome to the Home School Academy!

Our Goals and Services:

At the Home School Academy, our primary goal is to support home schooling families by offering classes in areas that are challenging to accomplish at home.  As such, we strive to:

  • Orchestrate those classes to work with other curriculum so parents who adjust their curricula can have a day free of teaching while their children are still accomplishing their academic goals. (i.e. You can leave your students with us and we will make sure that they get a great academic day of school in!)

  • Give the students a day to interact with other kids without it hindering their academic progress.

  • Provide a full day of classes for the advanced 4 ½ year old up to 12th grade, so the whole family can be cared for at the same time.  

  • Provide the option for 7th-12th grade students to choose classes as electives and take only what they want and need.

  • Hire teachers that are knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects, and who can pass on their enthusiasm to the students.

  • Save families money (and stress) by doing things like science experiments and history projects as a group.

  • Keep our standards of excellence high but to keep the program as affordable as possible.

  • Give the students a chance to experience different teaching styles, learn proper classroom behavior, note-taking, presentation skills, and how to be responsible with assignments.

  • Meet all these goals in a healthy atmosphere of God’s love and acceptance, recognizing that our children are God’s church in training.

Beyond classes, our calendar is full of educational and fun events such as field trips, workshops, display and performance opportunities for our classes, a secondary school barn dance, high school formal, and graduation.

We provide forums of discussion and support such as prayer requests and curriculum sales.

We have the privilege of being part of New York State Loving Education at Home (LEAH), which is a Christian organization dedicated to supporting and promoting home education throughout New York. As a LEAH group, we are connected to information about home schooling concerns, advocacy, and area opportunities and events.

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