Splendor of Truth Catholic Home Educators sotche.org Splendor of Truth Catholic Home Educators sotche.org Splendor of Truth Catholic Home Educators sotche.org

Who We Are

SOTCHE (pronounced SAH-chee) is a group of homeschooling Catholic families. All members adhere to and respect the Magisterium and Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Our group's location spans the IL/WI border: from southeastern Wisconsin to northeastern Illinois. We have families from Racine, WI to Lake Bluff, IL and from Lake Michigan to McHenry County, IL.

We share information relevant to home educators, including advice on homeschooling, activities for our children and shared learning experiences. Our member families and teaching styles all look a little different. We embrace the diversity our group represents in teaching and curricula. We support, encourage and learn from each other and pray for each other.

Our activities include field trips, Co-op, gym classes, support meetings for moms and moms’ book club, to name a few.