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Megan Bean To All Instructors

Megan Bean has been a homeschooling momma to three wonderful sons since 2011 and wife since 2002. She has a Two Year Certificate of Biblical Studies from Word of Life Bible Institute and a Bachelor’s Degree from Liberty University in English Education and Religion.  Megan has over twenty five years of experience in teaching children, teens, and ladies.  Her desire is to meet students where they are and encourage them to develop to reach potential.  Megan has a passion in communicating the Word of God with all people (1 Chronicles 16:24).  She is the co-director of Faith English Ministries, a ministry dedicated to using ESL classes to reach marginalized people groups locally and abroad.  When Megan isn’t teaching, she adores spending time with her pets: rabbits, lizards, hairless guinea pigs, cats, and Boston Terrier.  

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