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Mrs. Amber Severance To All Instructors

Amber attended a Bible college in northeast Pennsylvania which was small enough to give her the opportunity to play sports, perform in theater productions, and serve in student government. In addition to all that fun, she earned a Bachelor's in Biblical studies with a concentration in secondary education and an emphasis in social studies. After graduating, she moved to San Jose, CA, to teach history and Bible and coach varsity girls' sports. She met and married Scott while living in CA, and they moved to Santiago, Chile, for one year to teach at Santiago Christian Academy. Their first child arrived on the scene while they were in Chile. Upon returning to the States, Scott earned a PhD in biochemistry, and Amber began her career as a full-time homeschooling mom. Scott's PhD work, post-doctoral fellowship, and college teaching moved the Severances from Buffalo, NY, to Bowie, MD, to Clarks Summit, PA, before landing them in the Lynchburg area in the fall of 2015. While Scott has been teaching at Liberty University's College of Osteopathic Medicine, Amber has been a full-time homeschooling mom and, as of 2019, a part-time consultant for Sonlight curriculum. Scott and Amber enjoy serving at Heritage Baptist Church as leaders of a discipleship community, and Amber loves teaching the Bible to 3rd and 4th grade girls in Awana. The Severances have 5 children - Stephanie ('98), Emile ('00), Josiah ('02), Benjamin ('04) and Julia ('10), who is attending ACA as a ninth grader. Classroom teaching is energizing to Amber, and she is looking forward to being a part of the team at ACA.  

Current Classes
Contemporary Lit/Comp – Instructor (open)
High School Government/Econ – Instructor (open)