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PALS will continue to follow national and county health and safety guidelines regarding COVID-19.  We will ask all families to agree to our Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability regarding COVID-19.

PALS will require masking indoors if the community transmission rate is graded ‘High’.  If community transmission rates remain ‘Low’ or ‘Medium’, we will not require masking. We always respect individual families’ decision to mask beyond our requirements.  We reserve the right to modify this requirement and its criteria as new information becomes available regarding COVID-19 or reporting models change.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at vice.president@palsenrichment.org

We’ll continue to request that families inform us of any positive COVID home or laboratory tests, or if there is prolonged exposure to a positive case.  To the best of our ability, we will inform the community of any possible exposure to a Covid positive student or teacher during classes.  Positive cases will be disclosed anonymously.

Should any student or teacher have high risk medical reasons to request masking in their classroom please reach out to the board.