Discipline, Bullying, and Conflict Resolution
Although we all hope to avoid conflict, we know that it is bound to happen. We want you to know that the board prays for co-op cohesion and asks that you do the same. We also ask you to remind your children to listen to and respect their teachers and classmates.
During each class period, someone from the board is available in the hall to assist with various tasks. Their primary role is to be there in the event that they need to intervene in classroom disruption and bullying situations.
Discipline Policy
In the event a child is disrupting the class:
Teachers will give two warnings or redirections.
If the disruption continues, teachers should ask the hall monitor to remove the student for a few minutes. This is not a punishment, but a chance for the student to have a break and some time to explain what's going on and brainstorm more appropriate behaviors.
If the disruption still continues after spending a few minutes with the hall monitor, the student will be taken to their parent for the remainder of the period. They can then go to their remaining classes.
The hall monitors will keep track of which students have spent time with them so that we can see if there is a pattern. We will do our best to let parents know if their child needed to take a break from a class so that they can have a conversation at home about appropriate behavior at co-op. This notification may be a conversation during co-op or it might be a text or email after the co-op day is over. In the event that there is a pattern of disruption, there will be a conversation between the child(ren) involved, parent(s), teachers, and at least two board members to hear all sides and come up with a solution.
Violence or the threat of violence, including but not limited to physical violence, threatening to bring weapons, or actually bringing weapons (including pocket knives), can result in removal from FHL at the discretion of the board. If a student or teacher witnesses anything like this, please alert a board member as soon as possible.
FHL has a zero tolerance for bullying. We want our kids to be in a fun and safe environment, therefore our bullying policy is more strict than our general discipline policy.
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.
In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:
An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.
Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.
Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. (taken from stopbullying.gov, December 5, 2024)
If bullying is observed before or after co-op or during a co-op event, please first stop the bullying. Then, go either to the parent or someone on the board. If you go directly to the parent, please notify someone on the board after the fact.
Students who observe bullying are encouraged to let their teacher know if it is during class time. If it is not during class they should inform their own parent or someone on the board.
- In the event there is verbal bullying, the student is given one (1) warning. If the student continues to bully they are immediately taken to the hall monitor who will then take them to their parent for the remainder of the period. The student is free to return to class the next period. If you have to give a student a bullying warning but they take re-direction and do not continue, please inform the hall monitor so they can make a note of the incident.
- There are no (0) warnings for physical bullying. If you observe punching, hitting, pinching, slapping, scratching, biting, etc. the student is to immediately be removed from class and taken to the hall monitor. The hall monitor will then take the student to their parent for the remainder of the period. The student is free to return to class during the next period.
If someone is given a warning or removed from a class, the hall monitor will pass the info on to the next hall monitor so we can keep track and make sure it is not an ongoing problem.
If bullying continues through multiple periods or weeks, the student and parent will need to have a meeting with at least two board members to determine appropriate actions. We want all kids to be included and learn how to work out their disagreements in Biblical and appropriate ways.
Conflict among adults
While we all hope to have a conflict-free co-op, we know that disagreements do arise. Please refrain from gossip and trying to get others on your side; sometimes taking a few moments to calm down is all it takes. If the conflict continues, please deal with it in a Biblical manner according to Matthew 18:15-17. Please contact our Director or someone else on the Board if you need someone to talk to.