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The Focus of WACHE School:
WACHE School a cooperative group designed to provide a school setting in which students come together one day a week to take classes that will enhance their education.
Meeting Day and Time:
Mondays 9:00am-2:25 pm
Parental Involvement:
All parents will be participating in teaching, assisting, or another assigned volunteer position for every hour their family is present. Parents who are not teachers could be assigned to help with set up, lunchtime, or clean up.
Focus of Classes:
We offer both academic and elective classes. For grades 9-12, we have a stronger emphasis on academic class offerings.
WACHE School adheres to a strict hands-off policy. Absolutely no bullying is allowed. Discipline policies are in place to protect all students and parents.
Background checks are required for all adults in each family’s household. We have Safety Policies in place to protect students. We also adhere to Fire, Bad Weather, and Unforeseen Emergency Policies.