Parent Classes/Discussions

As mentors we strive to be continually learning and improving our teaching and leadership skills, which helps not only our school, but our homes and community involvement as well.  Below are some of the topics and books we have studied in the past and possibilities for future study.

There is a free class at LEMI-U – Continuing Education for LEMI Mentors called LEMI Essentials--The Foundation that we would like all of our parents to take to help them understand the philosophies we go by in our group.  It is a series of short videos that you can watch at your convenience. Anyone who is interested can take this if they want to learn more about Leadership Education (Thomas Jefferson Education).

For 2024-2025 some possible topics and books for discussion are:  Autism/ADHD/Anxiety, Learning Styles, Mentor Handbook, The Four Agreements.

September:  The Fourth Turning and how to mentor the artist generation

Book Discussions (2023-2024)

We read and discussed the same books as our scholars this time and really enjoyed connecting with them over these books as well.

September--Carry on, Mr. Bowditch

October--Sign of the Beaver

November--George Washington Carver

January--The Year Money Grew on Trees

February--The Seven Paths

March--Little Britches

April--The Singing Tree

Book Discussions (2022-2023)

April--Raising and Generation of Innovators and Making Connections ebooks by Tiffany Earl

Feb--This Is Day One: A Practical Guide to Leadership That Matters by Drew Dudley

Nov--The Coddling of the American Mind

Book Discussions (2021-2022)

April--Free At Last:  The Sudbury Valley School

February--Nurturing Curiosity in our Children


October--13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do by Amy Morin

July 30--Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Book Discussions (2020-2021)

February 5--The Size of Your Dreams by Dave & Chana Mason

March 11--The Chosen by Chaim Potok

April 10--Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine

Book Discussions (2019-2020)

October 25--Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis (pdf copy

September 27--Podcast:

July 2019--The Butterfly in You by Milt Rodriguez

GMSA Mom Book Club (2018-2019)

Books we read for the year were:  The View From Saturday, Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, The Glass Castle, Candide, Everything I Want to Do is Illegal by Joel Salatin, 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson, and Rilla of Ingleside

Family Foundations--(2017-2018)

Family Foundations is a new, unique scholar project developed specifically for adults to learn together the principles of Leadership Education, identify the needs of each child in your family and inspire you to meet those needs, and to grow in knowledge and skills that will bless us in our families and other relationships. We will learn similarly to the youth scholar classes through inspiring lectures, simulations, and activities, reading and discussing classics for each topic, and oral exams and writing. This is our chance to understand what our scholars are experiencing and to experience a scholar class ourselves! We will become both better parent mentors and school mentors.
We will meet twice a month (September – May) for about 1 ½ hours each time. Our topics will include:
*Leadership Education and the Liber Cycle
*Personal missions and seasons in life
*Abilities and Skills
*Knowledge and the Inteligro Method of solving problems
*Improving relationships
*Culture & Worldviews
*(We can also add a class on systems if that is needed.)
Connection changes our nature, so please come connect with us and watch:
*Your relationship with your children flourish
*Your relationship with your spouse deepen
*Your relationship with books, classics, and ideas blossom
*Your relationship with others grow.
Book List
LiberConnect by Tiffany Earl—free download from
The Student Whisperer by Oliver DeMille and Tiffany Earl
SayGoBeDo by Tiffany Earl--
Strawberry Girl by Lois Lenski
Eats, Shoots, & Leaves by Lynne Truss
Inteligro Math by Tiffany Earl--
The Chosen by Chaim Potok
Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson & Joseph Grenny
The 5 Communication Levels—LEMI Classic Conference Call--
Little Men by Louisa May Alcott
Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute
Suggested Summer Reading:
The Seventh Sense by Joshua Cooper Ramo
There is a companion online membership on pre-sale now for $9.99/mo: This may be helpful to you but not necessary for taking the class.

In previous years we had a parent book discussion night monthly.