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How to Join CHEC

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With the increase of numbers of families entering homeschooling, it's important that you understand the role of CHEC before applying for membership. In general terms, we are not a school. We do not dictate to parents what or how they should teach their children. Our mission is to support and encourage our member families as they live this homeschooling lifestyle! Please take the time to read through our Guiding Principles information

If you are a home educating family in the central Mississippi area and are interested in being a part of a Christian homeschool support group, please read ALL the information on the Guiding Principles page, including our Statement of Faith.  CHEC's Guiding Principles

If you need additional information, please contact the CHEC Leadership Team at: checmississippi@gmail.com or contact the Membership Director at CHECMembers@gmail.com.

If you have a Yahoo.com email address, please add "lifeline@homeschool-life.com" to your approved contacts list right now. Yahoo is problematic about filtering and losing important emails that you will need going forward. This is a good step for anyone to take, regardless of your email provider, to be sure that you receive all emails coming from CHEC.

There is a two-step process to join CHEC ~ 

Step ONE) Request Membership Online  ~ Please complete the online application below (option to pay with Paypal is at the end of the online application). Dues are for the current school year only. Full-year membership dues are $50 per family. The family is defined as the parents or legal guardians and their homeschooling children. If you are joining between Feb. 1 and May 31 for the remainder of the current school year, dues are reduced to $30.  All memberships expire at the end of June.  Paying via PayPal is strongly encouraged because it considerably shortens your approval time.

Step TWO) Paper Liability Waiver ~ Please fill out the 2024-2025 CHEC Membership Agreement & Waiver and email it to CHECMembers@gmail.com. (You can simply take a picture of it and email the picture, or you can scan your waiver and email it.)

If you need to pay with a check, please send the completed waiver and membership dues to the address below. Please make check payable to CHEC. (Please note that paying via paper check will delay your approval process, due to mailing time and processing time.)

ATTN: Membership
P.O. Box 5114
Brandon, MS 39047

After BOTH of these steps are completed, you will receive an email letting you know when your application is approved, at which time you will be given member access to the CHEC website. Since we are an all-volunteer organization, we ask that you allow up to 3 weeks for delivery and processing.

During the 2018-2019 school year, the CHEC Board of Directors instituted a policy that requires Board approval for new students coming into CHEC as Seniors. If this applies to you, please know that your approval process will take a little while longer. To expedite the process, you can email the following information to the Membership Director at CHECmembers@gmail.com:

1) A current CHEC Member who can serve as a referral for your family (if available)
2) How long you've been homeschooling
3) Reason for joining CHEC
4) If you recently left traditional schooling (within the past 5 years), the reasons for leaving and entering homeschooling
5) Any other information that you feel can help move this process along


Please save the username and password you enter below; you will need them once you receive your approval email. Also - be sure to use an email address that you check regularly. 



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