When & Where We Meet
The Solid Foundation Educational Association (SFEA) is a cooperative homeschool group that provides classes in State College, Pennsylvania. We meet on Wednesday mornings at Park Forest Baptist Church. Nursery care is provided for infants and classes are offered for preschoolers through 12th graders.
Mission of SFEA
We are a cooperative homeschool organization that exists to provide excellent academic opportunities and supplemental activities for students, as well as support and resources for parents. Because we believe that parents are responsible for their own children’s education, our services are designed to enhance their chosen educational program. We will strive to accomplish the purposes and goals of our organization by:
Providing part-time classes in subjects such as science, writing, art, history, music, etc.
Providing clubs, contests, field trips, and other enrichment activities, as needs are expressed.
Providing a resource center where families can borrow books, equipment, and educational games.
Interested in Joining Us?
If you are interested in joining SFEA for the 2023-2024 school year, please contact us at registrar@sfea.info by April 1, 2023.