
What are the benefits of membership in SFEA?

A membership with SFEA gives you access to all of the academic and elective classes offered by the association, along with all of the fun and friendship those have to offer! Members will also have access to field trip opportunities and the resource library.


In order to take advantage of these opportunities, the membership requirements are: 

  • Enrolling your child(ren) in one or more of our classes,
  • Reading the Policies and Procedures Handbook and signing the following documents (found on the last two pages of the handbook): (1) SFEA Membership Agreement and (2) Behavioral Agreement For Students of SFEA.
  • Paying the $150 annual membership fee (used to cover insurance, building rental fees, and organization-wide administrative costs), and
  • Fulfilling volunteer tasks as follows: remaining on the premises and volunteering while your children are in class.

If you would like to inquire about openings, please email us at