Youth Leaders for America Mount Pleasant Youth Leaders for America Mount Pleasant Youth Leaders for America Mount Pleasant Youth Leaders for America Mount Pleasant Youth Leaders for America Mount Pleasant Youth Leaders for America Mount Pleasant

Class Proposals 2025-2026

Class Proposal Form

Click on image for class proposal form.


Welcome to Youth Leaders for America (YLA)! 

YLA is a community of homeschooling families in Sanpete County.  YLA is dedicated to raising up youth who are prepared to stand for faith, liberty and truth, who will lead in their homes and communities, and will postivily impact the world for good. We meet for weekly classes and host year-round activities and events for youth and families who are part of the YLA Community. 

Is my family right for YLA? Is YLA right for my family?  

YLA is not a "one size fits all" communtiy. YLA may be right for you if you can answer affirmatively to the following statements:

  • We are looking for classes and social activities for our homeschool youth ages 12 and older as of Sept. 1st OR we are interested in joining the Ephraim JYLA Co op for families 

  • If we have youth, our family has been homeschooling the youth interested in attending YLA for a minimum of 1 full year, in the last 12 months or more, and we want to be contributing members of a homeschool community of like-minded individuals

  • Our family upholds principles of Christian faith, freedom and family unity 

  • We have read, or will commit to read, A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver Demille before attending our first semester at YLA 

  • We can commit to a minimum of 10 volunteer hours in the community and to attending two parent nights per semester

  • We are looking for passionate mentors, not particular curriculum or program

  • My homeschool Scholars have the attention span to sit through and be respectful in a group classroom environment without me there OR we I will commit to attend with my JYLA students each week. 

  • I will support my YLA scholar(s) in fulfilling their commitments for class with a good environment for study and helping them to understand and follow through with their assignments as needed 

  • I am looking for classes to supplement my youths' home education and social experiences, not a full course load or a complete education program 

  • I will be responsible for communicating with each mentor my scholar chooses to enroll with and can help them keep track of their assignments 

  • We want to be part of a flexible group that has many different social options for our homeschool youth and understand that it is also a family commitment to a community we are willing to contribute to 


Please Click Image to go to the Orientation Video


Click image to open video

Sanpete Homeschool Support Circle

Looking for support and connection in the homeschool community at large? Click the image to join Sanpete Homeschool Circle and meet other homeschoolers.


Join our Group Me Chat for more information about JYLA Ephraim! For families with kids under 12