Cell Groups & Field Trips
Cell Groups are collections of TEACH families who gather for fellowship, field trips, service projects and other non-academic activities. Leaders are parent-volunteers.
Cell Groups can be centered around location, a special interest (scouting, gaming, Legos, etc.) or age group. As with all TEACH programs, families can select programs that meet their needs- there is no requirement that Cell Group members also attend co-op.
The best way to become involved with a Cell Group is to complete a TEACH Membership Registration and then to contact our Cell Group Leader, Samantha Hanks, teachcellgroups@gmail.com.
We currently have two active Cell Groups, the Forest School group and the Field Trip Group. You may join both groups.
Forest School
The Forest School schedule is made up of a combination of nature-based learning progrms, field trips, hiking and organic ouside exploration time. We meet once or twice a month, in all weather conditions (within reason). If you think you might be interested in being a part of the TEACH Forest School group, email Tara Gill at forestschooladventures@gmail.com to be put ,on our email distribution list.
Field Trip Group
The Field Trip group is open to any TEACH Member, it is a come when you can kind of group. We will be taking trips to a variety of locations. There is currently one trip a month, each trip is organized by a different parent. This group is structured more toward elementary age. If you would like to join our mailing list, please contact Heather Jolley at teachfieldtripsbg@gmail.com