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TEACH Co-operative Group Fees

Who do I make checks payable to?

Where should I send payment?

TEACH Family Participation Fees

Classes Fees

Field Trips Fees

Forest School Fees

Sports Fees

Speech and Debate Fees


TEACH Co-operative Group Family Participation Fee (contact the TEACH Treasurer at teachtreasurer@gmail.com)

2024-2025 TEACH Family Participation Fee is $35.00. Each paid Family has access to all TEACH co-operative group programs: Classes, Cell Groups (Field Trips), Forest School (Hiking), Sports (Basketball and Soccer) and Legacy Speech and Debate. TEACH Family Participation Fee is non-refundable and due before or by August 1 for best benefits and ease of registration(s) or if registrating within current running school year, during your registration processes.

As a TEACH participant, you are also a member of CHALC (Coalition of Homeschoolers Across Lancaster County www.chalc.org).  Your CHALC benefits include which your family receives through TEACH
Your CHALC benefits included by participating in TEACH are the following:  

  • CHALC discount code is 299519 for HSLDA Membership (www.hslda.org).  The CHALC discount for HSLDA Membership is $15.00.  
  • Access to World Watch News!  (Visit:  worldwatch.news.signup  -  Code FY8A3P )
  • CHALC Sponsored Used Curriculum 
  • High School Graduation Events and Ceremony  (See the SCRAWLS newsletter and www.chalc.org for information)
  • SCRAWLS newsletter publications digital and print
  • Website software via Homeschool Life which provides TEACH Co-op easy class registration, teacher dashboard tools and Web Site Tech Support, calender event registration, and much more.
  • Liability Insurance for Co-op Buildings
  • Evaluators listed in the SCRAWLS at www.chalc.org
  • Co-op participation fee reimbursement of $15 for each additional CHALC networked co-op which your family participates. CHALC automatically sends out these checks when they see duplicate enrollments on their registration end.
  • Updates on Homeschool Legislation
  • Local Resources & Events 
  • More as announced!


Classes (contact Katie Walker at bethanygracecoop@gmail.com)

  1. TEACH Family Participation Fee 
  2. 2024-2025 Facility Fees for a family enrolled in one or more TEACH Bethany Grace Classes is $30/ term/ family.
    • If enrolling a student(s) in a 30 week class, please pay $90 on or before August 1, 2024.
    • If enrolling a student(s) in a 10 week Fall class, please pay $30 on or before August 1, 2024
    • If enrolling a student in a 10 week Spring class, please pay $30 on or before January 1, 2025.

Family facility fees cover rent to the host church and miscellaneous administrative costs.

Field Trips (contact the field trips administrator at teachfieldtripsbg@gmail.com or teachcellgroups@gmail.com)

  1. TEACH Family Participation Fee 
  2. Fees are stated for each field trip. Some field trips are free and some have a museum or other admission fee. Please see the Field Trip administrator for payment details.

Forest School Field Trips (contact the forest school administrator at forestschooladventures@gmail.com)

  1. TEACH Family Participation Fee 
  2. Fees are stated for each event. Many hikes are free. Some have a museum or other admission fee. Please see the Forest School administrator for payment details.

Speech and Debate (contact speech and debate administrator Nancy Petersheim at legacystoa@gmail.com)

  1. TEACH Family Participation Fee  (payable the first day or before)
  2. $95.00 - STOA National Family Membership (due September 30, 2024) per family
  3. $130.00 Legacy Speech and Debate Local Club per family (payable the first day)
  4. Tournament Cost(s) and preparation (curriculum, dress clothing, e.t.c.) vary pending location, number of events entered, and number of students 

Local Club fees pay for rental to the host church and miscellaneous costs (ink, paper, e.t.c.).

Sports (contact sports administrators Amy Mease (basketball) or Dave Mease (soccer) at damease95@gmail.com)

Sports fees are per student.

  1. TEACH Family Participation Fee 
  2. Soccer Varsity Boys Team fees are $50 plus $18 for a jersey.
  3. Soccer Co-ed Teams are $20 plus $12 for a jersey.
  4. Basketball (Grades 6-12) are $75 plus $15 t-shirt.
  5. Basketball (Grades 5-12) are $75 pus $15 t-shirt.
  6. Basketball Juniors (Grades 1-5)/ 6th ) fees are $30.


Who do I make checks payable to?

Make TEACH Family Participation Fee, Class Facility Fee, and Sports Fee checks payable to TEACH. Please place a memo note for the purpose of the check (ie. TEACH Participation Fee, Class Spring Facility Fee, $75 Basketball plus $15 t-shirt fee...etc.)

Where should I send payment?

  1. Please send TEACH Family Participation Fee and Class Facility Fee for class enrollment payments to:
    • TEACH
      P.O. Box 296
      Adamstown, PA 19501
  2. Teachers (class fees) are paid directly on the first day of classes for a given term. Please bring your class payment (cash or check) in a sealed envelope with each Teacher's NameClass Name and Student Name on front of the envelope to hand deliver to each of your student's teachers. Checks are made payable to your child's teacher with student's name listed in the memo.
    • Class info/fees may be accessed by going to your parent dashboard via "Classes" at the top and clicking your Manage Class Registration button. Class fees are located by selecting the class under the class description.

    • Please promptly inform the co-op in writing (by email to registerbethanygracecoop@gmail.com) of your desire to withdraw from class(es) for your student(s), or attendance altogether, by August 15 prior to the start date of the fall session and by January 23 prior to the start date of the spring session. A $20 late drop fee OR the materials fee (whichever is greater) will be due and payable to the teacher if you drop after this date.

  3. Field trips Fees should be paid on-site for the given event or as specifically directed in an e-mail regarding that field trip. Cash is often ideal for these events.
  4. Forest School Fees should be paid on-site for the given event or as specifically directed in an e-mail regarding that field trip. Cash is often ideal for these events.
  5. Speech and Debate local club payments should be brought the first day of Speech and Debate.
  6. Sports Fees may be made payable to TEACH and mailed to TEACH, P.O. Box 296, Adamstown, PA 19501, or given to the sports coach.
  • Unless otherwise specified payments should be made using cash or check. Most banks offer bill-pay snail mail check options.