Our original offering. 

These classes are engaging and so much fun to teach! It is inspiring to learn together and hear different thought processes and ideas from classmates.

What is included with this type of course?

Live Class Meetings

These courses meet twice weekly, on Mondays and Wednesdays, for an hour over Zoom (Algebra 1A and 1B classes meet for only 45 minutes). The live class meetings include interaction between the students and the instructor. Living ideas are presented, discussions are held, and students are guided to make discoveries as we work through the material together.


On non-class days, work will be assigned, typically from the textbook, to be completed and turned in by the end of the day. 


At the end of each chapter, students are given an assessment to gauge their progress and understanding. These assessments are graded by the instructor. 

Live Course Details


  • Each course will run for 34 weeks, beginning in mid-August and ending in late May, with time off for Thanksgiving, Christmas Break, and Spring Break.
  • Live class meetings will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays. Assignments will be given to be completed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. 


  • The cost of the full-year Algebra IA or Algebra IB course is $550.*
    • $150 deposit due at registration
    • The $400 balance can be paid in full by August 1st, or split into two payments of $200 each, due August 1st and January 1st.
  • The cost of the full-year Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra II/Trig course is $650.*
    • $150 deposit due at registration
    • The $500 balance can be paid in full by August 1st, or split into two payments of $250 each, due August 1st and January 1st.

*There is an additional $50 Registration Fee that is paid by each family each year, due upon course registration.

Materials Needed

Materials needed for each course can be found on the course description pages.

Class Size

Each class has a maximum of 14 to 18 students able to enroll in the course. The limited number of students allows for the each student to be heard in class discussions, and for teachers to give better attention to each student in the course.

**Climbing Higher Math teaches students from different states and countries and is not responsible for ensuring every state's standards are met.

Live Courses Offered for the 2025-26 school year:

New Widget

Algebra 1B Algebra 1 Geometry Geometry Algebra 2/Trigonometry
Live Courses
Live Algebra 1B: 2025-26
8th - 10th ; 14 y/o - 17 y/o
Live Algebra 1: 2025-26
9th - 10th ; 14 y/o - 16 y/o
Live Geometry AM: 2025-26
10th - 11th ; 15 y/o - 17 y/o
Live Geometry PM: 2025-26
10th - 11th ; 15 y/o - 17 y/o
Live Algebra 2/Trig: 2025-26
11th - 12th ; 15 y/o - 17 y/o

Live Courses

Live Courses

Live Courses

Live Courses

Live Courses

student reviews

 Student Reviews

"Both Mrs. Tabitha and Dr. Julie helped me to love math. Before going into Mrs. Tabitha's class two years ago, I hated math. I thought I wasn't good at it and it was something that I should just memorize the formulas for and move on. Mrs. Tabitha kindled a fire of love for math and Dr. Julie continued to build and feed it the next year. They both truly love math and that joy is infectious."    

"Dr Julie's love for math. She's so fascinated by it and truly loves it. That fascination and joy is infectious, and has rubbed off on me. I also appreciated that when she runs up against a roadblock working through a problem, she is open about not having all the answers despite holding a Ph.D. in math.

"The other thing I love about CHM classes are my classmates. Some of them have been with me in CHM classes since freshmen year. Laughing with them and inventing our own math language just for fun and jokes is the best. Its a privilege to learn alongside so many different students and minds. I've learned things I never would have if I had done a self-paced course with the same text, because they think of problems in ways I didn't. I love doing the homework and then all coming to class with different observations or special properties on the same problem. I see many things in a different light now because of the ways my classmates think through things. Dr Julie is very aware of different ways each brain likes to think about the same thing, and often walks us through several different ways to work the same problem to find the one that we understand the best. "

"This class is one of the most enjoyable virtual classes I’ve ever attended! Mrs. Wirges is fun and amazing, and so is the class. The students are very kind, and everyone helps each other."  

 "I enjoyed that my teachers were able to be flexible with my vacation/ family plans and that they were also helpful when I was stuck on a problem, it was also encouraging that my fellow peers helped me on a few problems I had!"

"I really enjoyed how Dr. Julie didn't just teach us the theorems and formulas, she also taught us the history of geometry and had us create a 'timeline of geometry'. This really made the subject come alive for me."

"The live classes are really great--everyone participates really well--and our teachers are really involved and helpful."