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About Our Community

At Classical Homeschool Community of Shrewsbury, we value:
• Honoring one another with our actions and our words
• Authentic biblical community for shaping the hearts of our children
• Learning and growing together alongside our children
• Grace, kindness, collaboration, accountability


Classical education is the time-tested educational method that teaches all children how they naturally develop in line with how God designed them to learn, at every age, at every stage. Classical education is a liturgy of love aimed at cultivating wisdom and virtue through knowing truth, pursuing goodness, and creating beauty.


Home educating is a spiritual endeavor, and we desire to be a community of practice—ordering our time together, our gathering spaces, and our habits—so that our children learn to love what is lovely. At CHC, the starting and ending point for all studies is the Word of God. We trust God will inspire our children’s minds, tune their hearts, and transform their souls.


Excellence in academics need not be chaotic. We encourage one another to teach our children from peace, with the absence of anxiety. Instead, together we pursue enjoyable and memorable learning. In community, we dig deep into classical subjects, while also allowing valuable time for our students to contemplate and discuss the big ideas they have discovered within them. Providing opportunity for such deep engagement results in enjoyable, permanent learning which, we believe, instills a life-long love of learning.

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