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Policies & Procedures

CHRISM supports each family on their individual journey to know the Truth, live the Truth,  defend the Truth, and share the Truth with others. With the ultimate goal of providing  quality educational enrichment, we uphold Saint Pope John Paul II’s assertion that parents  are the primary educators of their children.  

Attendance and Volunteer Policy  

CHRISM is a true co-op in the sense that we need everyone’s cooperation in order for  the co-op to function well. We are counting on volunteers to pitch in and help out. Because  of our dependence on every member of the co-op, the attendance policies concern both  parents and children participating in co-op. 

All volunteers must be VIRTUS trained with documentation at the Archdiocese of  Miami.  

A parent will be required to either teach a class or volunteer full time in the  classroom. Volunteer positions will be clearly described at the beginning of each semester and all  volunteers will have the opportunity to sign up for the area in which they would like to  serve. No family may attend co-op unless the parent (or a designated supervising adult) has  committed to serve during co-op hours and follows through faithfully on that commitment.  

Due to the volunteer nature of our co-op, attendance and punctuality is crucial.  However, we understand that there may be conflicts – planned or otherwise – in a schedule.  If a volunteer is unable to attend co-op one week, it is their responsibility to contact the  designated homeroom parent or leader of the class or area in which they serve and let them  know they will not be there to help. If a parent personally is unable to attend co-op one  week, but their children will be on campus, it is their responsibility to let the director know  they will not be there and to make sure they have a responsible adult for their children.  You are required to be on campus at all times while your child is attending co-op.  

If for some reason you are unable to attend one week or must leave campus for a  short period of time, you may make arrangements with another adult to oversee your  children. This adult will take all responsibility for your children while you are away from  campus. You will need to inform the co-op director that another adult has agreed to  supervise your children.  

For the children:  

Nursery: Children may only attend co-op with their parent. They may not be left in the charge of any other adult and be in the nursery  

Elementary through High School aged children may attend co-op under the covering and care of an adult other than their parent if they are listed with the office on their registration/Emergency contact list.  

Behavior and Dress Code Policy 

It is expected that students and parents will conduct themselves in a manner befitting the character and nature of Christ. Children should respect authority and honor the Lord’s house. In addition to these basic behavioral guidelines, CHRISM Co-Op participating members will not be permitted to have weapons, alcohol or illegal drugs on campus or at any sponsored activity. There shall be no smoking or vaping on campus.  There will be no foul language, fighting, bullying, defiant, or deceitful behavior allowed.  

We desire to please and honor the Lord in our clothing choices as well. Parents should make sure that they and their children are wearing modest and appropriate clothing when attending co-op and co-op events. Chrism has a uniform policy in place.  

Boys: Short sleeved or long sleeved solid colored collared shirt. Shorts or pants may be worn. Shorts must be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee and solid colored. No jeans or sport shorts. Any closed toed shoes with a back and socks may be worn.  

Girls: Short sleeved or long sleeved solid colored collared shirt. Shorts, pants, skirts or jumper may be worn. All bottoms must be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee and solid colored. No Jeans, leggings or sport shorts. Any closed toed shoes with a back and socks may be worn.  

If any behavior or dress code violations become an ongoing issue, the student’s parent will be contacted and an incident report will be filed. Ongoing problems may  constitute the student being asked to leave CHRISM CO-op.  

Parents should also be mindful of the dress code.  

Electronic Devices Policy 

No personal electronic devices shall be in use during class by either children or adults.  

We consider our classrooms to be a collaborative effort between tutors, parents, and students. The use of personal electronic devices by parent volunteers during class time sends both the teacher and the students the message that participation is optional. This simply is not the case – your participation is vital to the success of our co-op! Please set an example for the children and be considerate enough to put away your phones and tablets during class.

If you must use your phone to deal with a personal issue or pressing need arising during class time, please excuse yourself from the class and try to return in a timely manner. Parent volunteers consistently excusing themselves from serving in the classroom, may be assigned to help in another area.  

Students are not permitted to use phones, games, tablets, ipods, or any other electronic device in class at any time for any reason. The tutor and parent volunteers have the right to confiscate until the end of class any device a student is found using. If the useof these devices is an ongoing issue, the child’s parent will be contacted and an incident report may be filed. 

Snack Policy 

Each student may bring a snack to be eaten at the designated time during co-op. We ask that each family pack their own snack. A close-lidded water bottle may also be brought for co-op days.  

Discipline Policy 

Parents should be mindful of their children’s behavior and take action to correct them as necessary during class times and other co-op events. If a parent is not available or able to correct their child’s disruptive or disobedient behavior, another co-op teacher or leader has the authority to deal with the child’s action or attitude according to the co-op discipline policy.  

As Christians, it is our desire to live in accordance with God’s Word and to pursue peace with all people. Teachers, parents, or students who are unable to resolve ongoing disciplinary or personal conflicts should meet with the co-op director in order to prayerfully and humbly find a peaceful solution to the issue.  

CHRISM has a “three strikes, you’re out” discipline policy. Students who fail to obey the rules and guidelines of the co-op will be written up on an incident report, which will be kept on file by the co-op director. The incident report will include a description of the infraction, the date, and the names of any parties involved (both children and adults). The incident report will be filled out and/or explained in the presence of the child’s parent and will be signed by all adult parties involved, including the parent. Students who accumulate three incident reports in a year may be asked to leave the co-op.