Untitled Header Image β€œ Untitled Header Image β€œThe oak tree is a reminder that the strength and beauty of a community comes from its diversity and resilience.” – Unknown Visitor Days March 28 Untitled Header Image

Interest Form

indicates a required answer

Thank you for your interest in Heritage Oaks Christian Homeschool. We are looking forward to meeting you! If you are interested in learning more about Heritage Oaks and are considering possibly joining for the next school year, please fill out the form below. We will contact you with more information. 

1. *


2. *


3. *

Cell Phone Number

4. *

May we send you texts?



6. *

Names, ages, grades for next school year, & current school of all children you are interested in possibly enrolling at Heritage Oaks

7. *

Do you know anyone who currently attends Heritage Oaks? If not, where did you hear about us?


Do you have any questions about Heritage Oaks? 

9. *

Do you agree to abide by our Governing Values? (An answer is required.  Please note if no answer is given this will cause an automatic rejection)

 Jesus said to him, "‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39 (NKJV) 

Christ-centered community

- We believe the Bible is the infallible word of God.

A safe and loving environment

- We value unconditional love and grace for one another. 


- We desire close interaction to encourage and strengthen one another. 


- We value the uniqueness each member brings.

Creative excellence by serving

- We value the emphasis of coming together to be a system of support to the homeschooling community. God has given us an awesome responsibility to teach our children in the way they should go. By drawing upon each other’s gifts and talents, we hope to provide quality educational experiences, lasting friendships and precious memories for our members.