Christian Homeschool Speech and Debate Club
"But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts,
always being ready to make a defense
to everyone who asks you to give an account
for the hope that is in you,
yet with gentleness and reverence."
1 Peter 3:15
About Us:
Who we are:
Defenders 3:15 is a Christian homeschool speech & debate club in Fort Worth, TX. Our club is for students aged 12-18 as of October 1st of the current season. We meet on Monday at 4:00 pm - 8:45 pm. during the school year.
Our theme verse is 1 Peter 3:15:
"But sanctify Christ as Lord in your heart, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence."
Our mission:
Our mission is to help students discover fundamental truths of scripture through biblical apologetics. To sharpen within them character of the highest integrity, and to help them develop the skills they need to be competent communicators. All for the glory of God.
Membership requirements:
Our club is an affiliate of Stoa. Stoa Membership is required for all D315 members.
Please see Stoa’s website for more information about Stoa and eligibility requirements.
What is offered:
We offer coaching in Lincoln Douglas Debate,
and Stoa speech events.
By participating in competitive forensics, our students will develop the skills necessary to articulate and defend the truth of Biblical Christianity. Through club meetings and competitions, students are exposed to an environment that encourages critical thinking and competence in delivery. Additionally, we aim to foster a teachable spirit and humility among our students.
What's expected:
While we have high expectations for our students, this does not mean that we expect every student to place well in competitions. Rather, we expect each student to work hard to progress and achieve their individual goals. Students will be given weekly assignments, and they must take time to complete them at home before the deadline.
Parent participation is essential to the success of Defenders 3:15. At least one parent must attend and participate in club each week. Weekly duties will include:
- Listening to speeches and providing feedback to the students.
- Watching and giving feedback on debate rounds.
- Cleaning and classroom re-sets.
- Other necessary tasks.
See D315 Club Policies for more details.
Open House:
April 14th, 6:30 pm.
We will discuss what involvement in Stoa might look like for your family, review the expectations of membership in Defenders 3:15, and review the many lifelong benefits that speech and debate can offer your students.
Open enrollment:
April 15th - May 1st, 2025.
If you feel we would be a good fit for your family, you may submit a membership application by clicking "join" above during our open enrollment period.
Once we have received your application, we will contact you for an interview.
If you wish to register after May 1st or have any questions, please complete the "Contact Us" form explaining your situation.