RRHJ Bylaws
BYLAWS of Rainy River Homeschool Journey Edition: Aug 18th/22 Approved by Current RRHJ Committee
The purpose of the Rainy River Homeschool Journey (henceforth referred to as “the RRHJ”) is as follows:
“To host a community of homeschooling families in the Rainy River District who strive to nurture a love for learning in their children through fun, educational events. Our goal is to foster an atmosphere of growth, creativity, respect, and genuine affection for all those who join that mirrors the love Jesus has shown us.”
The RRHJ will carry out this purpose by activities such as, but not limited to, conducting and assisting others to conduct classes, field trips, and other educational programs.
Section 1: Definition of Directors. The Directors of the RRHJ will be a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Co-Op Coordinator, and a Field Trip Coordinator. Other Director or co-director positions may be instated, upon the vote of a majority by the RRHJ Committee. These positions will be referred to as the ‘Directors,’ ‘RRHJ Committee,’ or ‘RRHJ Directors.’
Section 2: Selection and Term of Office. Any RRHJ member can nominate, and or be nominated to the RRHJ Committee. A time period will be given for nominations ( of approximately a week), and verification will be made with those nominated individuals to make sure they are willing to sign a Statement of Faith, and proceed in the election. Background Checks may also be required at the discretion of the RRHJ Directors, and nominations may be approved or disapproved based on received information. The election process will be done online and voting will be open for approximately a week. The Secretary will receive the Nominations, and with the assistance of the President, the election will proceed, with verification of results with the entire RRHJ Committee. The term will be one year, with elections held every June. The previous RRHJ committee directors will coordinate with and help transition the newly elected directors through the summer in preparation for the Fall Start. There is no limit to the amount of terms a Director can hold.
Section 3: Resignation of Directors. Any director may resign at any time by giving written notice to either the President or the Secretary, provided that such notice requirements may not be satisfied by notification to oneself. Such resignation will become effective upon an agreed upon date, whether immediately or a date in the future.
Section 4: Removal of Directors. Any director may be removed, with cause, by the vote of the majority of the Committee.
Section 5: Vacancies. Any vacancy in the RRHJ Committee arising at any time and from any cause (including because of the creation of a new director position by the Committee) may be filled at any meeting of the Committee by consensus. Each director so selected will hold office for the unexpired portion of the term he or she has been selected to fill. Positions may be kept empty if the remaining time of the term isn’t deemed necessary for refilling, or a newly elected director could continue to term into the following year if a voting process is followed by the RRHJ Members or Directors.The Directors can choose to fulfill the duties of the vacant seat if they choose to do so instead.
Section 6: RRHJ Committee Powers and Duties. The RRHJ Committee will have the general power to manage and control the affairs and the property of the RRHJ, including the power to reimburse those incurring expenses on behalf of the RRHJ and to authorize the payment of those providing services to the RRHJ. The Committee will have the full power, by consensus of those present, to adopt rules and regulations governing the action of the Committee. The Committee will ensure that the Co-Op adheres to the fundamental and basic purposes of the RRHJ, as expressed in Article I of these bylaws, as it may from time to time be amended.
Section 6:President Powers and Duties. The President will lead at all meetings of the Committee. The President will have general supervision of the affairs of the RRHJ, will keep the Committee fully informed, and will freely consult with the Committee concerning the activities of the RRHJ. The President will have the power to sign alone (unless the Committee shall specifically require an additional signature) and in the name of the RRHJ all contracts authorized either generally or specifically by the Committee. In any situation in which the President has a personal interest in a contract of the RRHJ, the Committee will designate another person to sign in lieu of the President. The President will perform such other duties as will from time to time be assigned by the Committee. See attached Job Description, subject to change by consensus of the Committee.
Section 7: Secretary & Field Trip Coordinator Powers and Duties. The Secretary & Field Trip Coordinator will act as Secretary at all meetings of the Committee at which he or she is present, and shall keep the minutes of all such meetings. The Secretary will be responsible for giving and serving all notices of the RRHJ, and will perform all the duties incident to the office of Secretary, subject at all times, to the control of the Committee. The Secretary & Field Trip Coordinator is responsible for planning and organizing field trips, working alongside committee to ensure payments are made and schedules coordinate. The Secretary & Field Trip Coordinator will perform such other duties as will from time to time be assigned to him or her by the Committee. See attached Job Description, subject to change by consensus of the Committee.
Section 8: Treasurer Powers and Duties. The Treasurer will have custody of all funds and securities of the RRHJ, which may come into his or her hands. The Treasurer will keep (or will cause to be kept) complete and accurate accounts of the receipts and disbursements of the RRHJ, and he or she will deposit (or will cause to be deposited) all monies and other valuable effects of the RRHJ in the name of and to the credit of the RRHJ in such banks and depositories as the Committee may designate. The Treasurer will be authorized to sign checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of monies on behalf of the RRHJ. The Treasurer may disburse funds up to and including $100.00 with no prior approval, while payment of more than $100.00 will require the approval of the President. Whenever required by the Committee, the Treasurer shall render a statement of the RRHJ’s accounts. Upon reasonable request, the Treasurer will exhibit the books and accounts of the RRHJ to any director of the Co-Op. He or she will perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer, subject at all times, however, to the control of the Committee. The Treasurer will, if required by the Committee, give such security for the faithful performance of his or her duties as the Committee may require. See attached Job Description, subject to change by consensus of the Committee.
Section 9: Co-Op Coordinator Powers and Duties. The Co-Op Coordinator will be responsible for the implementation of the various programs and projects of the Co-Op, including but not limited to, scheduling classes, scheduling classrooms, and placing teachers and volunteers in classes. The Co-Op Coordinator will confer with other members of the Committee where necessary to fulfill the duties of the Coordinator, and will keep the Committee fully informed. The Coordinator will perform all duties incident to the office of Coordinator, subject at all times to the control of the Committee. The Coordinator will perform other duties as will from time to time be assigned to him or her by the Committee. See attached Job Description, subject to change by consensus of the Committee.
Section 10: PreSchool Co-Op Coordinator Powers and Duties. The PreSchool Coordinator will be responsible for the implementation of the various programs and projects of the PreSchool portion of Co-Op, including but not limited to, scheduling classes, scheduling classrooms, and placing teachers and volunteers in the PreSchool classes. The PreSchool Coordinator will confer with other members of the Committee where necessary to fulfill their duties, and will keep the Committee fully informed. The PreSchool Coordinator will perform all duties incident to the office of PreSchool Coordinator, subject at all times to the control of the Committee. The PreSchool Coordinator will perform other duties as will from time to time be assigned to him or her by the Committee. See attached Job Description, subject to change by consensus of the Committee.
Section 11: Director Communications. The directors will keep each other informed and stay in weekly communication with each other on agreed upon platforms such as, but not limited to, online messaging, emails, texts and phone calls. If the directors agree that a decision is small enough for approvals or disapprovals on a communication platform, decisions may be made with a majority ruling as long as all answers are readable or audible by other Committee directors.
Section 12: Director Purchases. The RRHJ Directors can make purchases on behalf of the RRHJ Co-op, up to a maximum of $100. Permission must be granted from the majority of the RRHJ Committee for amounts exceeding $100, and be in writing, online or offline, from the Treasurer. Receipts are to be submitted to the Treasurer, and will be reimbursed at the Treasurer or other Director’s discretion. The RRHJ Committee has the right to deny reimbursement for any reason.
Section 1: Eligibility. Any and all homeschooled individuals and homeschooling families may become Members of the RRHJ by registering on the website, https://www.homeschool-life.com/ON/RRHomeschoolJourney/
There is no requirement that any Member sign a statement of faith, but all members, instructors, visitors, and attendees must be aware that we are a Christian group, and must respect the Christian values clearly laid out in the Bible.
RRHJ may require Background Checks at their discretion for Members seeking Registration Approval, and may approve or disapprove based on received information.
Section 2: Definition. Members of the RRHJ will be those families and individuals who are up-to-date in the payment of their membership fees whether Option 1, 2, or 3, and who have satisfied such other duties and responsibilities as have been set by the RRHJ Committee. RRHJ has the right to deny entry to any programs or events if members haven’t satisfied Membership requirement.
Section 3: Membership Fee and Responsibilities. The RRHJ Committee will set the membership fee and will determine the time period to be covered by such fee. The fee is non-refundable, excepting special circumstances to be determined by the RRHJ Committee. The RRHJ Committee may also set other duties and responsibilities of membership.
Section 4: Benefits. Members will receive such benefits as may be determined by the RRHJ Committee, including notice of and the opportunity to participate, to the extent that space is available, in the programs of the RRHJ.
Section 5: Conflict Resolution. In the event that a conflict concerning RRHJ business arises between two or more members of the RRHJ, said members should first attempt to resolve the conflict amongst themselves. If a resolution satisfactory to all concerned parties cannot be reached, the concerned parties will contact the RRHJ President, who will call a meeting between the concerned parties, himself or herself, and at least two other committee directors, and the RRHJ Committee directors present will attempt to mediate the conflict. In the case that no resolution satisfactory to all parties is found, the RRHJ will call a meeting with all the RRHJ Committee directors, to make a decision as to what should be done. This decision may include the revocation of RRHJ membership of a child, parent, or family.
Section 6: Purchases. RRHJ Members or other Instructors who are signed up to instruct a class on a specific day, may purchase supplies with no further permission up to a maximum of $30.Permission must be granted from the President And Treasurer in writing for amounts exceeding the $30/class session. Receipts are tol be submitted to the Treasurer and reimbursed by the discretion of the Treasurer, and/or other RRHJ Committee Directors. The RRHJ has the right to deny reimbursement for any reason agreed upon by the RRHJ Directors.
Section 7: Respect. All RRHJ Members, Visitors & other Attendees must have respect for all families in attendance. No members, whether Christian or Non Christian, may push their personal beliefs on another member, or make another member feel uncomfortable. Foul language, inappropriate actions or discussions, and any kind of bullying or abuse, whether physical or nonphysical, will not be tolerated. RRHJ Directors have the right to remove Members, Visitors or other Attendees from a RRHJ Programmed day or any other event if the behavior is not remediated or deemed satisfactory by the directors. If the behavior is continued at further events, the Directors have the right to make a decision as to the further participation of said member, child, parent or other attendee in RRHJ gatherings. If the type of abuse warrants legal reporting, action will be taken to inform authorities with the goal of protecting victims and bringing justice and restoration to offenders.
Section 8 : Cessation of Members At any time, Members may discontinue their membership, or reduce to a lower level of registration and fees on a monthly basis. Any fees for the current month will be forfeited to the RRHJ but refunds for further months will be done at the discretion of the RRHJ Committee.
Section 1: Bi-Annual Meetings. RRHJ will hold Bi-Annual meetings,open to all of the Co-Op Members, or those considering homeschooling. These will be held before classes start in the fall, and one in the New Year to allow discussion of plans for the future, and assessment of previous months by the committee. The group’s members can also voice their suggestions, concerns and comments. Additional meetings may be held if deemed necessary. The meetings will be held at such place, time, and date as the Committee will designate. Notice of the annual meeting will be given to all members of the Co-Op in a manner likely to provide adequate, actual notice.
Section 2: Other RRHJ Committee Meetings. Other meetings may be called by any RRHJ Director at any time, remaining flexible to facilitate the gathering of at least 3 present whether online or in person. Any decisions made at such a meeting must be approved by the majority of the directors and respect must be given to those not in attendance as to their vote on large decision matters such as Location or increasing fees.
Section 4: Organization. The President of the Co-Op will lead all meetings of the Committee. In the absence of the President, those present will choose a leading director. In the absence of the Secretary, the leading director may appoint any person to act as Secretary and take minutes at the meeting.
Section 5: Decision-Making. All decisions of the Committee will be determined by consensus of the Committee directors present at the meeting, except as otherwise specified by these by-laws or as determined by the Committee. If a consensus cannot be reached on a decision, further discussions will be held prior to the decision being made.
Section 6: Conflict of Interest. The Co-Op will enter into no contract in which any Committee member or director has a personal interest, unless such contract has been approved by consensus of the Committee directors present. No Committee Director will vote on a contract in which he or she has a personal interest, and the determination of whether consensus exists will be made as if such Director were not present.
Section 1: Definition Visitors are those who are interested in the RRHJ and would like to meet the group for a trial day, known further on as “Trial Visitors”, or those who want to assist in the days’ activities, eg: grandparents, also referred to as “Helping Visitors.”
Section 2: Eligibility Trial Visitors must be approved by the RRHJ Committee before attending an event. Helping Visitors must be a close relation (eg. Grandma, Aunt, 1st Cousin, Sister) or friend of a Member. The RRHJ Directors may require Background Checks prior to Visitors attending, at their discretion, and may approve or disapprove based on received information.
Section 3: Fees Trial Visitors may attend one session before being required to register and pay fees to continue their attendance. There are no fees for Helping Visitors.
Section 1: Office. The office of the Co-Op will be located at such a place as the Committee may from time to time determine.
Section 2: Books. There will be kept on a shared Google Drive and/or on Homeschool-Life.com, the correct ‘books’ of account of the activities and transactions of the Co-op, including a minutes file, which shall contain a copy of these by-laws and all minutes of the meetings of the Committee. The minutes file will be accessible to the RRHJ Members. The RRHJ Committee Directors will all have access to all RRHJ Documents & Files.
The fiscal year of the Co-Op shall be July 1st - June 30th.
These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Committee by no less than a 75% majority of the Committee members present at the meeting.
Upon the Dissolution of the RRHJ, all monies, equipment and other assets will be divided up accordingly to those registered in the previous or current fiscal year, at the discretion of the RRHJ Committee of Directors, last in place while the RRHJ was in operation.