Agape Schoolhouse Agape SchoolHouse Agape SchoolHouse Agape School House Agape Schoolhouse

ASH New Family Application

indicates a required answer

1. *

Your First and Last Name:

2. *

Spouse First and Last Name:

3. *


4. *

Phone Number:

5. *

Email Address:

6. *

Student Name(s), Age(s) Grade(s), and Classes you plan for them to participate in:

7. *

What year did you start homeschooling?

8. *

How did you hear about Agapeschool House?

 (1 required)
Friends HSLDA
Online Church
9. *


Please give us a short summary of your homeschooling journey. Why did you choose to homeschool? What are some of your goals? Why are you interested in joining our co-op?


Please list any of the following for parents: educational/career background, hobbies and interests, special classes taken or taught, or any training/experience attained:

11. *

Please identify any learning differences or challenges that need to be disclosed to our teaching team:

12. *

Where do you and your family currently attend church, and in what capacity, if any, do you serve there?


Will you be participating in any other homeschool programs and/or co-ops during the year you are applying to be an A.S.H. member? If yes, please list program(s):

14. *

We understand that we all come from different church backgrounds and have differing homeschool philosophies. We enjoy the diversity this brings to our group, but the one thing that unites our group is each individual’s commitment to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Briefly share about your family’s relationship with Christ and how this affects your homeschool journey:

15. *

Background Check Completed

 (1 required)
Yes No
16. *

I have read and understand the Waiver of Liablity.

 (1 required)
Yes No
17. *

I have read the ASH Co-op Policies and Procedures.

 (1 required)
Yes No
18. *

Application Requirement/Agreement

  • I understand that this is an application and not automatic acceptance; membership is subject to ASH Board approval and current openings.

  • By signing below, our family agrees to all A.S.H. Policies and Procedures (located on FB page & website).

  • I understand and accept the “all hands-on deck” approach in the co-op and agree to be responsible for my volunteer block, as well as any other teamwork needed during our co-op day; I commit to find a replacement for my responsibilities if I cannot fulfill them.

  • I/we agree to promote unity within A.S.H. Co-op and do my/our best to preserve the reputation of A.S.H. Co-op when participating in community events & activities.

  • I/we agree to engage and build community within our group.

  • I/we agree to respect church property.

  • I/we agree to the Statement of Faith of ASH Co-op listed on our website: 

 (1 required)
Yes No