Handbook 2024-2025: Our Guidelines and Policies

Updated 11/18/24


ELIGIBILITY  The following eligibility criteria must be met: 

  • Families must be Christians and follow a Christian lifestyle in their home. We welcome all Christian denominations and branches.
  • Families must be currently homeschooling at least one child between the ages of six and fifteen.
  • Families must live in one of the following NC counties: Caldwell, Burke, Alexander, or Catawba. 

CHILDREN'S RESPONSIBILITIES We expect all school-age children to be respectful, follow directions, and participate in activities.

  • No vulgar language.
  • Follow the dress code.
  • Use kind and encouraging words to other children (no name calling, belittling, or bullying).
  • Welcome and include new and visiting children.
  • During outdoor activities, pocketknives are permitted for children over 10 if they are used safely and away from small children. 
  • No talking when a leader is giving instructions or when a tour guide is speaking.
  • No cell phones or other electronic devices, other than using a parent's phone to take a picture. 
  • No display of boyfriend/girlfriend relationship (hugging, kissing, holding hands) or romantic interest while at any group activities.

PARENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES  We expect parents to enforce their children's responsibilities. 

  • Know what is posted in the announcements forum, either by signing up for e-mail alerts or checking the forum often. 
  • Be present with your child at all times, unless arrangements have been made in advance with another responsible adult in the group. (These arrangements will need to be communicated to a leader.)
  • At least two adults must be present with children at all times. This is both for their safety and to prevent false accusations. 
  • Be on time for all field trips/tours/hikes, and within 15 minutes of the start time to social events. If you are not able to, please let a leader know. If you are late to a field trip or hike, expect to have to catch up to the group. If you are late to a tour, expect to miss the tour as it is disrespectful to the business to wait on us. 
  • Plan to attend and participate in at least 50% of the main Tuesday events. These are are social events and include parks, hikes, nature walks, and outdoor activities. All other events are optional and do not affect attendance. 
  • No vulgar language.
  • Follow the dress code.
  • Let a leader know if you plan to carry a weapon, and if you are willing to bring it on hikes in case of wild animals. 
  • Smoking and vaping are not permitted at any group activities. 

Attendance, Fees, Schedule, & Locations

ATTENDANCE  Families should plan to attend every week, but are only required to attend at least half of the main Tuesday events for the majority of the time over the course of a term. We are a fellowship group with the goal of building lifelong friendships for our children and parents. For that to happen, we need families that attend often, and once a month just isn't enough to build deep relationships. Occasionally, events are canceled due to weather, illness, or low interest. In such cases, it is your responsibility to attend a different event to meet the attendence requirement. Families that don't meet the attendance requirements will be dropped from the group, but may apply to rejoin as outlined in the former members section of the handbook.

  • No drop offs; however, another group member may bring your children if they agree to be responsible for their safety and behavior. 
  • Families may take off the summer term, but must notify leaders during summer registration that they intend to return in the fall.

Exceptions can be made for temporary extenuating circumstances, such as childbirth, moving, vacation, long illness, etc; please discuss the situation with a leader. If a situation lasts longer, or is expected to last longer than six weeks (or eight weeks for childbirth), membership will be parked until the family is ready to resume an active role in the group. Once the situation is resolved, see the section on former members for how to rejoin the group. Note: exceptions will not be made for families that have not yet completed a term in good standing. 

FEES  We use fees to cover our website cost and various operating expenses, and to purchase equipment and games for our group. Fall and Spring Term fees are $25 cash per family and are due two weeks before the start of each term. The Summer Term fee is $10 cash per family. Special events are optional and the fee is typically $10. Field trips and activities are optional and fees vary. Fees are non-refundable and not pro-rated. Note: we have not raised our rates, just distributed them differently, it still comes out to $60/yr (4 terms x $15 = (2 terms x $25) + (1 term x $10).

REGISTRATION  Term registration is open the 1st to the 15th of the month before the start of each term. 

SCHEDULE  We are a year-round social group, only breaking for major holidays. During the school year, we meet weekly on Tuesdays for social events, alternating park days with outdoor exploration and hikes.During the summer, we go to the pool, lake, and creeks. We meet from 11am to 2pm until winter weather sets in, then we move to 12pm to 3pm, switching back to 11am to 2pm once it warms up in the spring. Additionally, we often meet the hour before for optional tours, games, and crafts.

Our year is split into three terms: 

  • Fall: September to December (off week of Thanksgiving and Christmas)
  • Spring: January to May (off week of Caldwell County's spring break)
  • Summer: June to August (off week of July 4th)

We also plan one event each month. Some of our special events are a Fall Festival, Christmas Party, Minute to Win It, and a Talent Show. Months when there isn't a special event scheduled, we plan a game day, field trip, or a mom's night.

LOCATIONS  The majority of our outings are in or near Caldwell County (specifically the Lenoir, Hudson, and Granite Falls areas), Morganton, Valdese, Blowing Rock, and the Forest Hills area of Hickory. We range as far as Price Park, Lake James, South Mountains, Bakers Mountain, and Riverbend. Our members are spread out geographically, so we try to go to a different area each week. 

General Guidelines and Policies

CODE OF CONDUCT  The Foothills Homeschool Group is a Christian homeschool group that supports and upholds Biblical morals and values. Children are expected to act in a respectful and polite manner to adults and fellow students. Parents are responsible for their children's behavior and are expected to discipline as needed. This includes ensuring good manners and a good attitude. Please see the section on responsibilities for more specific guidelines. 

COMMUNICATION  All notices will be posted to the announcements forum. All communication regarding the group should take place on the forum, or e-mail if the matter is private. Texts about group matters should only be sent to leaders in immediate situations.

DRESS CODE  Dress modestly in clothing appropriate to the activity. Clothing may not have inappropriate messages or images. 

    • Tops must cover chest and midriff, and may not be low-cut, clingy, or sheer. Tops and bottoms must overlap coverage, but tops may not be longer than bottoms.
    • Bottoms must cover to fingertip length. Skirts that fall above the knee must be worn with shorts underneath. 
    • Bathing suits must fully cover chest, midriff, and bottom. No low-cut tops, sheer material, or midriff cut-outs. Bottoms should be briefs, skirts, or shorts. 
  • BOYS & MEN
    • Tops must cover chest and mid-riff, including sides of chest. Tops and bottoms must overlap coverage.  
    • Bottoms must cover to fingertip length, and must be worn with a belt if needed. Underwear and rear must be covered at all times. 
    • Bathing suit bottoms must cover waist to fingertip length, and not be clingy. Bathing suit shirts are required, and must cover chest and mid-riff with no side cut-outs.* 
    • *Why shirts? We have had issues in the past with pre-teen and teen boys taking off their shirts then working out, flexing, and showing off for girls. As this is a friendship group, we wish to deter such behavior at group events, so we have a blanket policy of boys wear shirts. 

PHOTOS  Do not share or post any photos of other children to any sort of social media, or share them with relatives and friends who will post them to social media. 

CANCELLATIONS  Occasionally, events are canceled due to weather, illness, or low interest. When possible, events will be canceled several days in advance. When event is cancelled or the time is adjusted, there will be a post in the announcements forum. If it's within 24 hours of the event, a text notice will also be sent to those who are signed up. (If you cannot get text messages, you will need to make arrangements with someone to alert you.)

Events are cancelled automatically:

  • If the forecast is for extreme weather, such as: snow, sleet, hail, heavy rains, high winds, or hurricane watch.
  • If there aren't enough families signed up for the kids to have agemates. (This seldom happens.)
  • If no leader or core group member is able to attend. 

SICK  If you or any member of your household have the following, do not come. 

  • Fever of 99 degrees or greater within 24 hours.
  • Vomiting, nausea, or diarrhea within 48 hours. If any member of your household has the flu, you must wait until all members have recovered and the incubation period has passed for anyone exposed.
  • Common cold with sore throat or persistent coughing or sneezing or yellow or green nasal discharge.
  • Infected skin or eyes or rash, until the prescribed drops, cream or treatment are complete or incubation period has passed.
  • Other contagious symptoms or infections, including, but not limited to strep, lice, ringworm, etc.

FRIENDS AND FAMILY Even though we meet at public locations, our group is private. We have spent the time and energy to develop a welcoming fellowship group that is comfortable for all of us. Because of this, it is our group policy that members do not invite friends to, or inform friends about our schedule and whereabouts. Instead, you are encouraged to invite your friends to join our group next term.

Dads are not considered visitors, but a part of your family and are welcome to attend all events. Add them to your profile to sign them up for events. If you have family in from out of town that would like to see the homeschool group, they are also welcome at our main Tuesday events excepting special events. You do not need to sign them up or notify leaders, just introduce them. Do not bring grandparents, older non-group siblings, relatives, or other guests without clearing it with a leader. Note: you must complete trial period in order to bring anyone other than dad.

FORMER MEMBERS  How we handle former members is going to depend on the manner of their leaving and how long it has been since they were active in the group, but if the family was in the group for at least one term, in general: 

  • Former members who left of their own accord within the past term and were in good standing at the time of their leaving may rejoin anytime during the next term by contacting a group leader. 
  • Former members who left or were removed due to extenuating circumstances that are now resolved, were in good standing at the time of their leaving, and maintained a 50% attendance until the start of the extenuating circumstance may rejoin within six months by contacting a group leader directly. 
  • Trial and former members who were removed for not meeting the attendance requirement, but were otherwise in good standing may reapply for future terms, if we do not have a waiting list. 
  • Former members who left in bad standing or were removed for any reason other than lack of attendance should contact a group leader to discuss how their situation has changed.
  • If any of the above situations do not apply, expect to the follow the new member joining process. 

SECTIONS  Families are put into sections based on their status within the group. Sections can be seen in the Directory

  • Leaders are those who manage the group. They make the decisions and deal with issues. 
  • Core are dedicated members who show initiative and wish to provide some type of administrative assistance or a leadership role. Before joining, they must attend nearly all events on a regular basis for the past year and routinely contribute to the group. Their input and opinions are regularly sought by group leaders.
  • Planners are members who are willing to repeatedly contribute to the group. To be eligible, they must attend nearly all events on a regular basis for at least one term. 
  • Members have attended at least four times and maintain a 50% attendance average of our main Tuesday events. 
  • Trial have not yet attended four times OR have not yet maintained a 50% attendance average for this term. Trial members may only attend main Tuesday events. At the end of the trial period, leaders and core will carefully consider if families have met the group standards as outlined in this handbook and decide status accordingly.

When space is limitied, priority will be given in the following order: Leaders and Core, Planners, Helpers, Members. The more you contribute and attend, the more likely you are to secure space where group size is limited. Space may be limited on activities, tours, field trips, and special events.

LIABILITY  Foothills Homeschool Group, its participants, and administrators assume no liability and make no assumptions of risk for anyone attending any group function. Parents are directly responsible for their children’s actions. 


Group leaders reserve the right to suspend or dismiss any family at any time that we feel is not in compliance with our guidelines or policies. If we suspend or dismiss a family for those reasons, no refund or reduction of fees will be granted.