Release of Liability

Release of Liability 


The parent or legal guardian, on behalf of themselves and their children, has voluntarily chosen to participate in the Florida Driftwood Schoolers, Inc homeschool cooperative (from now on referred to as FDS), which does not require participation in the program; the only benefit FDS hopes to derive from providing the program is the intangible value of improving each participant’s educational and social opportunities.  In acknowledgment of the above statement and consideration for participation in the FDS program, the undersigned agrees as follows:

1.  They are always responsible for the conduct and safety of themselves and their children while participating in the FDS program.

2.  That they are not responsible for the conduct or safety of the children of any other participant(s) in the FDS program.

3.  Should it be necessary for the caregiver to leave the program premises at the same time and their children remain on the premises, the caregiver must obtain an agreement from another adult participant to supervise the caregiver’s children during the caregiver’s absence from the program premises.  In consideration of FDS’s provision of the program, the caregiver voluntarily waives, on behalf of them and their children listed on the registration, and any of their estates, heirs, or assigns, any claims for loss or injuries against FDS and other participants in the program which may be caused or result from the participation of the undersigned and their children in the program.

I, at this moment, release, hold harmless, and indemnify FDS, its agents and representatives, and the facility where FDS has its classes from any loss, claim, or injury, regardless of cause that may arise from any FDS meetings or activities that my family (listed on this application) may choose to attend.  I also permit my child/children listed in this application to participate in any FDS activities I have signed up for.  If my child/children: are injured, I waive and release all rights to any claim for damages against FDS and other participants in the program.  I understand that my membership is based on my Membership Application, this form, and my Membership Dues.

 I realize that to be a member in good standing requires me to take responsibility for the behavior and actions of my family at all sponsored activities.  I have read and agree to support the Mission and Vision Statement and Core Values and follow the FDS guidelines.