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Do you have questions that you would like to be answered?  


Email secretary.samc.hsm@gmail.com and we will respond to you with an answer and add your questions to this page if needed.


What is the website address?


The website address is https://www.homeschool-life.com/TX/samc-hsm-laude.


Is the SAMC Homeschool Ministry - Annual Membership Fee new?


The SAMC Homeschool Ministry Membership Fee is not new.  In the past, families have paid this fee when they paid the Laude Co-op Membership Fee.  Families who participate only in the Homeschool Ministry will pay only the Homeschool Ministry Membership Fee, and families that participate in Laude Co-op will continue to pay both the Homeschool Ministry Membership Fee and the Laude Co-op Membership Fee.  These may be charged at separate times in future membership registration periods.


What if I can't remember what date I started homeschooling?


If you can't remember the exact date, then please submit an approximate date instead.


I paid my membership fees via the SAMC online donation system. I do not see this reflected in my account balance. What's wrong?


Thank you for paying your membership fees via the SAMC online donation system.  Once we receive confirmation of payment receipt from the accounting personnel at SAMC, our Treasurer will apply your payment to your account here at the ministry website and it will be reflected in your account balance.