First Class East Gresham

Request Membership in this Christian Homeschool Co-op!

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

First Class East Gresham Membership Agreement

I understand, by agreeing to this First Class Christian Homeschool Co-op membership that our family is participating in co-op activities at our own risk, and therefore we release the Steering Committee and Board Members from all liability. I also understand that being a member of First Class East Gresham Christian Homeschool Co-op (FCEG) involves responsibility, and I will read the Parent Handbook and Friday School Handbook as well as adhere to the guidelines set forth within it. I also understand and give permission for FCEG to use pictures/images of my family members or myself in our newsletter, website, and for all promotional materials. I understand that these pictures/images help to tell the story of Homeschooling and I release and hold claims for libel. I also waive any claim for damages for any right to compensation that I may have for the foregoing.

Before any membership is approved, the Director or Membership Services Coordinator will have a phone conversation with potential new members.

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Forum Emails:

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Classifieds Emails:

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Payment Instructions

Please don't make any on-line payments until Admin has added the term Registration Fee and Building Fund Fee.

Thank you,

FCEG Leadership Team