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What is the chief end of man?
Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

    – The Westminster Shorter Catechism

This also is our purpose in the education of our children: to glorify God and enjoy him forever. Heritage Homeschool Academy aims to guide our children into thankful service to God through the study of truth, goodness, and beauty. We believe this path should be vigorous yet peaceful, full of both wonder and understanding. Our goal is students who understand their humanity, the world they live in, and whose hearts are tuned to praise their Creator God. Through our program, we support parents and students along the journey of homeschooling to grow in Christ-like maturity as a community of believers.


To provide Biblically-founded teachings in an academically focused environment to children in Preschool through Secondary grades with a commitment to a classical curriculum combined with a literature-rich approach and a pedagogy of restful learning, known as scholé.


  • To educate not only the minds, but also the souls of our children
  • To provide subjects that are rooted in the truth, goodness, and beauty of God
  • To lead our children to become disciples of Christ who can one day become disciple-makers
  • To use classical approaches in order to cultivate learned young men and women with rightly-ordered affections, who love to pursue wisdom and virtue and who seek to pattern after Christ
  • To establish an atmosphere of restful learning (scholé), such that education becomes a life-long pursuit with a love of learning and a love of the great works, achieved by delving into subjects deeply, through discussion, and through an environment of order
  • To partner with and support parents through the journey of homeschooling