What's included in your PCHS membership?

Although we attempt to offer some activities to people outside our membership, there are many benefits available only to members. They are as follows:
- Field trips - often with a discounted admissions price that our group fund contributes to.
- HSLDA yearly membership discount
- 25% discount on Masterbooks products when you order through our group two times each year.
- 3 Month Free trial access to SchoolhouseTeachers.com - You will have access to hundreds of courses for your entire family (PreK-12), streaming videos and ebooks, online interactive content, downloadable lessons, a year of the print subscription of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, and much more!
- 20% discount on in-store Barnes&Noble purchases (with use of our group's discount card)
- Social events for the whole family - picnics, holiday parties, etc.
- Access to our group directory listing homeschool families in your area
- Monthly Mom's, Elementary, and Teen Meetings.
- Free table at our yearly Homeschool Used book and Curriculum Sale/Fundraiser.
- Free listing on the PCHS website for any businesses that are owned by homeschool families.
- Multiple Community Service activities, including those helping homeschool families in need.
- One Community Aid care card (similar to a giftcard) each year for any member family who needs one to use at any local Community Aid location.
- Password protected members only access to our website that includes the following benefits:
-Online event registration with a confirmation and reminder
-Free forum posting of curriculum, books, and any miscellaneous items you have for sale/ISO/free
-Regular access to homeschool resources, special offers, and product sales