THINK: Tampa Homeschoolers Instructing & Nurturing Kids

End-of-Year Pool Party • Saturday, May 17
Click here to sign up!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is THINK?

THINK is a secular homeschool group that emphasizes community and offers classes and other events such as park days, field trips, and special events. THINK is a non-profit corporation that files an annual tax return with Florida. THINK was incorporated to have a business bank account and legally enter into rental and insurance contracts. THINK's corporate structure includes a board of directors, as the law requires.


Who runs THINK?

THINK has been run cooperatively by homeschool parents like you since January 2007. We are a true co-op, where each parent plays a role in the day-to-day operation of THINK. Whether you are setting up chairs for classes at Think-Day or organizing a field trip on our member calendar, we need you! We need the time and energy that our members provide to be successful. Our kids look to us to model what it is to be an active member of a thriving community! Join us!

Learn more about THINK Day volunteering HERE

Learn more about THINK events HERE


What does it cost to participate?

For access to THINK's webpage and events, there is an Annual Membership Fee of $21.23 (renewed May 31st each year to cover business expenses and website hosting)

The Semester Fee of $38.85 (due only if registered for THINK Day classes) per family per semester is used to pay rent, insurance, cleaning supplies, toiletries, etc. Class and materials fees vary by class and are delivered to the instructor through our website using PayPal. THINK can collect checks (made payable to the class instructor) or cash as a convenience to THINK members and teachers who choose this payment method. Class fees can range from free to over $150 for a 12-week semester. Sibling discounts sometimes apply. Members organize field trips that may be free or have a fee associated with them according to the event.


What are THINK Day classes?

Mondays are THINK-Day! Five periods of classes are held for a 12-week semester in the fall and again in the spring. You can take one or more classes or join us for lunch! Classes start at 9:30 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. Your classes determine the cost of partaking in THINK Day. The individual instructor determines these fees. 


What are the THINK sponsored annual events?

Families work together to plan events for our community. Many events take place on THINK days during the lunch period. The member-led Events Committee organizes our annual events, which include:

  • Fall Meet and Greet 
  • Monthly Author's Share, held outside of THINK days
  • Halloween Celebration
  • International Tasting Day
  • End of Fall Term Ice Skating Party
  • Spring Meet and Greet/Movie Night 
  • Valentine's Celebration
  • Plant Swap
  • Field Day
  • Fall and Spring Subject/Theme Based Fair (ex Geography fair, Science fair)
  • Spring Showcase
  • End-of-Year Pool Party

Learn more about THINK events HERE


THINK is not a preschool.

THINK is a homeschool coop for homeschooling families. Occasionally, we have classes for preschool ages, but there is no guarantee classes will be offered for children under 5.


Can I register my child for a class outside their age range?

When registration opens, priority is made to children within the stated age range. It would be best if you then waited until the Wednesday of registration week to:

  1. See if there is space available in the class roster.
  2. If your child is out of range for a class, you must obtain permission from the teacher directly.
  3. Confirm with administration by forwarding the acceptance email from the teacher. The administration will manually enter requests the Wednesday of open registration week. Invoices will be sent out on Sunday.


Is nursery care provided? 

Your whole family is welcome at THINK-Day, but nursery care is not provided. There is a small nursery room, a playground, and open space. However, please plan to supervise your children at all times.


Is this a drop-off program?

No! Please plan to always staying on the property and supervising your children. You must be present, but do not need to attend each class with your child. Our rental agreement and insurance policy do not allow any children to be dropped off! You can spend time with many friendly parents, read a book, or bring your laptop and get some work done.


Can I teach at THINK Day? 

Yes! We always seek new ideas for classes and energetic, enthusiastic teachers! If you have a specific idea for a class you'd like to teach, submit a proposal to the THINK Team. We have a limited number of classrooms and time slots available, so classes will be offered based on the interest our membership expresses. Since we welcome all home-educating families, THINK Day classes do not include religious instruction, shared prayer, or faith-based content.


Is THINK secular?

Yes. To ensure all families feel welcome and can participate fully, we do not have any faith-based classes. Please note that some classes may reference faith. For example, a history or world cultures class might mention various religions. No faith will be proselytized, and students will never be led in prayer at THINK Day.


What does it mean to be an allergy sensitive group?

Thanks for asking! We do have children in the group with life-threatening allergies, children with celiac disease, and other food-related issues. We are a completely nut-free organization. We also encourage food alternative treats at special events (e.g., Valentine's or Halloween celebrations).

Please read package labels to ensure that the food you bring to THINK Day and THINK-related activities do not contain peanuts or other nut products (including tree nuts, almonds, pistachios, peanut butter, trail mix, granola or granola bars, etc.).

We want to give you a list of "safe foods," unfortunately, the ingredients in packaged foods can change at any time, so a list would be almost impossible to maintain. During food-sharing events, members display an ingredient list with their dishes. Teachers will also disclose ingredients in foods that may be in the classroom or give notice before they bring food in.


Photographs and Social Media

Part of the Membership Agreement includes a photography release statement. Your child's photo may be used on our website, yearbook, photo slide shows, or closed Facebook group. Please feel free to take pictures and share them on our private THINK Facebook page.


How do I become a THINK member?

Click here to become a member of THINK  ($21.23). Click "Join" at the top-right of the page.


How do I register for THINK Day classes?

THINK members (see above) are invited to register for THINK Day classes. An additional Semester Fee ($38.85) is due for participants of THINK Day that goes to rent, insurance, events, supplies, etc. THINK Members can click here for a registration step-by-step guide!


What is THINK's Visitor Policy?

Welcome to THINK! We're so glad you are part of our learning community. Our events and field trips are generally designed for our members to connect and grow together, strengthening the sense of community amongst our families. Membership dues help us to provide these opportunities. This means that, unless otherwise specified, THINK events and field trips are reserved for members only.

Of course, there might be times when members have family visiting or need to bring a loved one along to a THINK event. To help us ensure a safe and consistent experience for all, we ask that you request an exception beforehand by filling out this short form. This helps us keep track of who is in attendance and allows us to extend our hospitality to your guests.

Some THINK events will be open to the wider community. These will be clearly marked in the event description, so keep an eye out for those opportunities to share the THINK experience with others!

We appreciate your cooperation in making THINK a welcoming and supportive environment for all of our members and their guests.


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