Alabama STEAM Academy Alabama STEAM Academy Alabama STEAM Academy Alabama STEAM Academy Alabama STEAM Academy Alabama STEAM Academy

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Steps to Request Membership

Welcome! Thank you for your interest in Alabama STEAM Academy!

We believe in a traditional Christian education, seeking after truth, goodness, and beauty in restful communal environment.

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year starts April 6th.

Steps to Request Membership

Step 1: Read the ASA Family Handbook.

Step 2: If you agree with the handbook. Review our class schedule for 2024-2025

Step 3: Fill out an enrollment request by hitting the button at the top of this page

Once the application has been reviewed, you will be contacted (usually by email) for a phone interview with an enrollment coordinator or the administrator.

Once approved for acceptance, you will be emailed the applicable paperwork. All paperwork and the membership fee of $75  plus 20% of your class fees must be submitted within ten days of approval.

Membership and Class fees are per semester.

If not paid in full, the remaining class fees can be broken down into 2 separate payments of 50%.  The first payment is due August 1st and the second on Sept 1.  

All families are required to attend a mandatory parent meeting

All families registering for the 2024-2025 school year must attend a mandatory family meeting on Wednesday, May 15th, at 2 pm.

New family orientation will be held May 15, 2024 at 3 pm or Friday, August 2, 2024 at 6 pm

Year at a Glance

Fall Semester:

August 12 - Fisrt day of Classes Welcome Back!

September 2 - Labor Day Holiday

October 7 - 11  Fall Break (Teacher, progress reports due the 8th)

Novemeber 25 - 29 Thanksgiving Break

December 11 - Last day of coop for the Semester

Spring 2025  

January 13:  First day of Classes 

March 14- 28  Spring Break & Progress Reports Due

May 14:  Last day of Co-op May 14

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