Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and include at least 1 alpha (A to z), 1 number (0 to 9), and 1 of these special characters:  ~!@#$%^&*()"'*+,-/:;<=>?|{}[].

Usernames must be at least 6 characters long.

Alabama STEAM Academy Alabama STEAM Academy Alabama STEAM Academy Alabama STEAM Academy Alabama STEAM Academy Alabama STEAM Academy

Request Membership in this Organization!

Fill out the form below and click the Continue button at the bottom.

General Information: 

To be considered for admission to Alabama STEAM Academy:

  • Complete the online application.

  • Once the application has been reviewed you will be contacted (usually by email) for a phone interview with an enrollment coordinator or the administrator. 

  • Once approved for acceptance, you will be emailed the applicable paperwork. All paperwork and the registration fee ($75 per semester) must be submitted within 10 days.  

    1. Medical Release (per student) 

    2. b. Release of Liability (per family) 

    3. Photo release

  • We are a parent led co-op and parents must agree to volunteer time for the success of the co-op.  We require 20 service hours per semester (See Service Hours section in the Alabama STEAM Acadcemy handbok for a full description of opportunities and guidelines).  Service hours can be fulfilled through cleanup, teaching, subbing, planning a social function, coordinating lunch, and a variety of other opportunities.  If a parent does not wish to volunteer he may pay  $200 per semester in lieu of service.



All families will be asked to pay a semester fee of $75 twice a year to Cullman Homeschool Coop – Fall and Spring. This fee is non-refundable. Fees are used to cover expenses for but are not limited to: paper products, printing, special events (Field Trips, Parties, Fairs, etc.), etc.


  • Classes are an additional cost. 

  • Once a parent has paid for a class, no refunds will be given. 

  • Other possible fees (optional): yearbooks and field trips

  • If fees are not paid on time, the we reserve  the right to drop the family from the roster. We will contact the parent to let him/her know about the payment and the date payment is due. Failure to pay could result in removal from class.

This site may require other information or dues before approving web site membership.

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Upload Family Photo (Optional) .jpg, .gif or .png


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If Student Username and Password are both provided, child will have the ability to login.

Upload Child Photo (Optional) .jpg, .gif or .png

Is there anything about your child (e.g. ADHD, autism, learning challenges) that you believe would be helpful for us to know?

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Forum Emails:

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Classifieds Emails:

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