Richardson Home School Association

Sue Bohlin To All Instructors

Sue has been a professional calligrapher since 1980. Addressing envelopes and other work for clients such as ExxonMobil, Ross Perot, and the Dallas Cowboys was her "Proverbs 31" job when their two sons were small, and continues today in her home studio. For one client, Sue addresses 1200 Christmas cards in handwriting (because it's half the price of calligraphy) every year. So handwriting has continued to be an important part of her portfolio. 

Until the effects of post-polio made standing at a board impossible, she taught calligraphy for many years. Now, with the invention of the document camera, she can demonstrate while sitting down! 

Sue is also a writer and speaker for Probe Ministries, so she contributes some of the lectures and articles for the "Building Confident Christians" class taught by her husband, Dr. Ray Bohlin.

Current Classes
Cursive Handwriting with Greek and Latin Roots – (open)