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Interested in joining the Oswego County LEAH Co-op?

The Oswego County LEAH chapter Cooperative Learning program (Co-op) is one of the many valuable benefits of becoming a member. Once you apply at oswegocountyleah.org and are accepted as an active member you will have the opportunity to check out all that the Co-op offers.

Designed as a supplemental Co-op, this program offers a variety of ever changing classroom experiences that will prove only to enhance your homeschool curriculum. With classes offered for Pre-k and Kindergarten up to 12th grade, this active Co-op is truly family friendly. Both an infant nursery as well as a toddler nursery are staffed throughout our day to help accommodate families with a broad age range of students. Please understand that due to our building and teacher limitations, new Co-op family registration may be limited to those with at least one child in 1st grade or above.

When new families come into our midst, we like to get to know them a bit to see what areas they may be able to contribute to the Co-op. All classes are taught by our member parents who volunteer their time, skill and talent to teach classes of between 10-20 students. We average about 40 families per semester and about 100 children.

All families are responsible to remain on the church grounds during our Co-op sessions and will either teach or assist in 2 of 3 morning classes. We meet on Wednesdays from 9 am- 12, for 8 weeks. The Fall session begins in mid-September and runs through the beginning of November. The Spring session runs March through April.