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What is WAHE?

WAHE stands for Wausau Area Home Educators. We are a Christian support group for homeschooling families in the greater Wausau area that started back in the spring of 1984. Three families met together to encourage one another as they started on the adventuresome path of homeschooling. WAHE was born as a result of that meeting.

What makes us different from other homeschooling groups in the area?

Our mission is to provide a like-minded, Christian homeschool community.  Through our private website calendar and forum we have an easy way to communicate about events, questions, and more. Our parent members organize and offer a wide variety of opportunities like "pick-up" style sporting events, social gatherings, field trips, and other activities throughout the year. But most importantly, we hope to spark relationships for your kiddos - and you!  Finding a family using the same curriculum or with children at the same age/stage can be such a great blessing and we love to help make those connections!

We are a group of traditional homeschoolers, which just means that we file the PI-1206 form every year (for at least one child, as long as it's age required). For more information on this see the FAQ page

Why should I make the time and be part of this homeschool group?

Because it wouldn’t be the same without you and your children! We love growing in relationships with families involved in WAHE and we enjoy seeing each member utilize their gifting, talents, and interests for the benefit of the group.

Are you ready to join? 

Click join above and fill out our wesbite access and membership registration forms! After approval, you will receive an invoice by email within a few days of your request.  Then you can to click the Pay Now button on the invoice to pay via PayPal or mail a check as explained in the invoice.  Please note: payments must be received within 30 days of invoice or your membership request will be suspended.  Also, none of the application process is automated so please extend us grace as we work through the process alongside our daily life.

Are you a current member looking to renew your WAHE Membership?

Please log into the website at the top of the page and fill out the membership renewal form.  If you are unable to login, please contact Joy Briggs (craig_briggs@frontier.com or 715-241-7361) for assistance.

For other questions that you may have, see our FAQ page.