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What is WAHE?


We are a faith-based group of traditional homeschoolers in the Wausau, WI area with the mission of providing the opportunity for education-based activities and services to enhance our members' homeschooling efforts.  

  • Traditional Homeschooler
    • In Wisconsin, we have a long-standing law that defines “homeschooling” and protects the rights of all Wisconsin families. Legal “homeschools” in Wisconsin are called home-based private educational programs.
  • Education-Based Activities
    • Including, but not limited to: WAHE Board Sponsored weekly fall sports; member planned field trips, member planned events
  • Services
    • Private website for all communication, forum posts and calendars; homeschool veterans available to answer questions; used book sales; member events such as Mom's Fellowship Nights, Homeschool resouce meetings, etc.


WAHE - how in the world do you pronounce that?


Wah - He

Kind of like "wahoo" but it's a "he" instead of a "hoo" sound :)


What can I expect WAHE to offer?


WAHE sponsors Group Sports for all ages in September and October and a Track & Field Day in May. These sponsored events are put on for the group with the expert leadership of parent activity directors and all parents signing up for and participating in leadership roles, they are not activities put on for families by certain members.

WAHE also enjoys financially sponsoring a Showcase/Program of some sort in the spring if there are event planner(s) along with enough interest and volunteers. 

Beyond these annual events, WAHE events and gatherings are sustained by our members who volunteer to plan and organize events, meetups, gatherings, and more for the group. 

Members: please see the General WAHE Planning Guide for basic information and contact the appropriate WAHE leadership member for more support if needed.  The sky is the limit - if you have an activity, field trip, program, or other idea to share with the group, please do so! 


Is there an age requirement for members?


We offer activities for school-aged children Kindergarten-12th grade.  There are times that preschool siblings will have options to join in an activity, but that is an exception, not a rule.


Do I need to be a Christian to participate?


No.  However, WAHE is a Christian-based Homeschoop Group and members should understand that all WAHE business and events will be run in accordance with the Statement of Faith and our Mission Statement..


What kind of commitment am I signing up for?


Our group is here to support your homeschooling adventure.  You are welcome to sign up for any events you want to, but you're never required to participate if it's not something that fits into your schedule, lesson plans, or season of life. 


What are the yearly dues or fees?


For the 2024/25 school year dues are $30

  • First time members are offered a $10 discount
  • Early bird renewals (completed before 6/31/24) are offered a $10 discount

Some field trips and activities may have an additional fee, but they will be clearly communicated in the information and registration process when applicable. 


What do my dues cover?


Your dues fund our private website as well as annual WAHE Sponsored Events (Kickball, Soccer, Volleyball, Football, Track & Field Day)


Who is currently part of WAHE's Leadership and how can I get in touch with them?


Our WAHE Leadership Team for 2024/25 is made up of 5 homeschooling moms who have children from ages 1-20.  They've used and are using a wide variety of curriculums and have been homeschooling throughout many ages and stages of their children's lives.  Two of them are second generation homeschoolers and all of them are willing, ready, and able to help you make connections through WAHE.

Administrative Director (website, publicity, general information): Amy Lanser, ajlanser@gmail.com or 715-298-6072 (H) 319-883-0639 (C)

Finance Coordinator (dues, activity payments): Joy Briggs, craig_briggs@frontier.com or 715-241-7361

Event Planning Supporter (calendar help, "connecting the dots" between ideas and people): Sara Ruiz, slynn_23@yahoo.com or 715-571-8156

Membership Supervisor (new member inquiries, membership maintenance): Michelle Jensen, mrjensen.drz@gmail.com or 920-621-2345

Membership Supporter (encouragement, homeschooling tips and tricks): Jennifer Fuentes, jfuentes@alumni.duke.edu or 715-207-4423


What if I use a state funded charter schooling program such as RVA, Bridges, WAVE, or WIVA?


While we are grateful for a variety of schooling options in Wisconsin, WAHE membership is open to those choosing a traditional homeschooling model and filling out a PI-1206 form, in accordance with state regulations.

For more infomation, please see the WI Homeschool Law Faqs below.


What if I use an online private school such as AoE or Veritas?


How do the membership requirements apply if you are using an online private school?

First you will first need to determine where the school is located -

If the online or virtual private school is located outside of Wisconsin (such as Veritas), you will file a PI-1206 Homeschool Report, as you will be responsible for ensuring Wisconsin’s educational requirements are met. You will be the administrator of your homeschool and will be responsible to approve all curriculum choices.

If the online or virtual private school is located in Wisconsin (such as AoE), your child is enrolled in a private school and according to the law is not a traditionally homeschooled student because you will not file a PI-1206 form.

For more information on the current homeschool law in Wisconsin, or if you need help or clarification in this area, please see this link at the WI Homeschooling Parents Association or the WI Homeschool Law Faqs below.


How far out is the "Wausau Area?"


As far as you want it to be! We have had members from Merrill, Tomahawk, Marshfield and beyond. We also may have members who know of other homeschooling groups closer to your location if you need help locating a group.


How do members receive communication from WAHE?


The online forum is our main communication "hub."  All forum posts are automatically forwarded to the email on file in a member's family profile.  



How do I suggest an event?


Our events are planned and put together by our members!  If you have an idea and need any help, please contact the appropriate Board Member.  Tips for planning and posting events can be found in the planning events tab after logging into the website.


Who can I contact for more information?


For membership questions please contact Membership Supervisor Michelle Jensen at mrjensen.drz@gmail.com or 920-621-2345 (C)

For media questions please contact Administrative Director Amy Lanser at ajlanser@gmail.com or 715-298-6072 (H)

WI Homeschool Law


What is homeschooling in Wisconsin?


From the Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association Website:

We hear the word “homeschooling” a lot, but how it is used can be confusing. As the COVID-19 pandemic has forced more families to do school at home, people sometimes use the word “homeschooling” to mean “anyone doing any kind of learning in their home.” But under the law, not everyone learning at home is legally “homeschooling.”

In Wisconsin, we have a long-standing law that defines “homeschooling” and protects the rights of all Wisconsin families. Legal “homeschools” in Wisconsin are called home-based private educational programs.

HOME BASED  - these programs are not based in any institution.
PRIVATE  - these programs are privately controlled.
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM  - legal homeschools provide programs of education

Under our Wisconsin law, a homeschooling parent or legal guardian takes full responsibility for educating their child.

When a parent or guardian chooses to homeschool, they must file a form with the state Department of Public Instruction each year. This simple report informs the state that they are exercising their right to homeschool, reports the enrollment in their homeschool, and affirms that they will meet the requirements of our law.

Under our state law, each homeschool administrator must provide a set number of hours each year of sequentially progressive instruction, which must include the areas of reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, science and health. Other topics of study may be included. These hours of instruction must be provided to only one family unit at a time, either by the parent or guardian or by a person they designate.

That’s it. There are no other forms to file and no set curriculum, nor required tests or reports. Wisconsin law fully recognizes and secures the right of every parent or guardian to direct their own child’s education, according to their own principles and beliefs. This right is secured by our state law, by case law rulings of the Supreme Court of the United States, and by the Constitution of the United States.


How do I fill out a PI-1206 form?


This link from the Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association gives great instructions!


When do I need to file the PI-1206 form?


For most families, file between the third Friday in September and October 15th.  See this link for more indepth information.


I have questions about homeschooling in Wisconsin.  Can anyone help me?


Yes!  One of our board members would be happy to help, or you can check out this link from the Wisconsin Homeschooling Parents Association for answers to many questions!