PACHEK Policy and Procedure

Policy and Procedure
Membership in PACHEK is open to all homeschooling families; provided they complete all parts of the membership process/application and agree to abide by ‘Policies and Procedures’ and ‘Constitution and By-laws’. All applications should be completed online through the PACHEK website or submitted to the secretary for processing.
Application Process:
Complete membership application form
Complete Statement of Faith form
Complete Release of Liability
Pay annual dues
May be subject to a background check
Membership is on a yearly basis subject to review and approval by the current Steering Committee. Membership is annual; from July of current year to June of following year.
Membership in PACHEK includes, but is not limited to the following services:
Information about state requirements, best practice, etc. by experienced home school parents
access to website including discussion forum, calendar, family directory, etc.
access to private ‘PACHEK Members Only’ Facebook group
educational group field trips
fellowship events for parents, teens, children, and families
regular general meetings that address relevant homeschool issues
opportunity to participate in our co-operative learning program (see Co-op policy for more information)
opportunity to join clubs (varies each year)
information on conferences and homeschooling events nearby
Members are expected to be homeschooling at least one of their children. Students that attend public, private, or virtual public school are NOT eligible to attend co-op, field trips, or clubs. Also, these students are not eligible to enter contests and/or apply for scholarships. Non-homeschooled children are not eligible to attend hangouts, banquet, and/or participate in high school or kindergarten graduations. Exceptions for hangouts for hosting parents. Member’s students that attend public, private, or virtual public school ARE eligible to attend family events.
Membership in PACHEK does not exclude a family from joining another home educator group, provided they stay in good standing with PACHEK.
PACHEK President determines agenda for Steering meetings.
Co-op Policy & Procedure will be reviewed by co-op committee annually, and presented to Steering for approval.
Modesty Policy
PACHEK wants to encourage a spirit of unity without uniformity, while also encouraging respect for others. We do this is by emphasizing modest apparel at PACHEK-sponsored functions. When attending any of our events we ask that you be conscious about what you wear, taking care that it is not a stumbling block to others. If there are questions for specific events, please contact a member of Steering.
Behavior and Discipline:
Parents are responsible for their children at all PACHEK events. Any parent not attending an event with their child, must have approval of coordinator of event.
Students are not allowed to smoke at any PACHEK event. Students and adults are not allowed to vape inside of any location where a PACHEK event is being held.
If a conflict or situation arises in which a family feels a wrong has been committed, it is expected that the family will follow the steps outlined in Matthew Chapter 18, with the goal of restoring relationships, in keeping with the PACHEK Statement of Faith and Release of Liability. While we are not a church, we are a Bible-based group and our policies follow the examples the Bible clearly lays out for us. If the offense cannot be resolved through the first two steps in this Scripture, then these concerns should be brought to the Steering Committee. The steps for conflict resolution are laid out below in ‘Conflict Resolution’.
Matthew 18:15-17, 21-22 (NKJV)
“Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that by ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established’ and if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.
Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
Conflict Resolution:
We expect all families to act in a Christian manner, showing respect and extending grace in every situation. Should a conflict arise with another member, he/she is expected to follow the PACHEK policy, as stated and signed on the Release of Liability.
If member has attempted to fix the problem but is unsuccessful, he/she should approach a Group Leader, Co-op Committee member, Field Trip Committee member, or event leader for assistance.
If it cannot be resolved, the committee member will refer the situation to full Committee for a decision.
If the situation cannot be resolved at that point, or if the parent does not agree with the decision, the parent can request the situation be referred to the PACHEK Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee will review the matter and vote on decision by all meeting Steering members. The Steering Committee has the final decision in all matters.
SICKNESS GUIDELINES for All Events, Activities, and Co-op Classes
No child or parent should attend a PACHEK event or activity if any of the following is true:
Fever of 100-degrees or greater within previous 24 hours
Active coughing
Any undiagnosed or communicable rash 24 hours
Diarrhea within previous 24 hours
Non-food related vomiting within previous 24 hours
Runny nose of any color
Regarding co-op, if any family member has had symptoms, both parents and children should not attend.
PACHEK is not liable for any sickness that you or your family may incur while attending any PACHEK affiliated event.
Annual Dues
Annual family dues are $60 (or $50 before July 31) per family and due at or before the first meeting of the school year. No refunds will be made.
Scholarships for annual dues are available by request and based on need. The total number of scholarships each year will be based on the yearly budget. Scholarship distribution will be reviewed and decided upon by the Steering Committee.
Financial Disputes
Any questions or concerns regarding the financial policy should be directed to the President and may require review by the Steering Committee at their scheduled meeting for resolution.
Financial Expenditures
All expenses for events that will be distributed from the budget must be pre-approved by the coordinator designated by the Steering Committee.
All requests for reimbursement for pre-approved expenses must be submitted via the PACHEK Reimbursement Request Form with applicable receipts attached to the President, Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer within two weeks. A check will be distributed to the member within two weeks. Reimbursements will not be issued without receipts.
All money received on behalf of PACHEK must be documented on the PACHEK CASH/CHECK Deposit Report and given to the President or Treasurer and deposited within two weeks of being received.
You must be a PACHEK member to attend a field trip; any exceptions need to be pre-approved by the coordinator.
All field trips must be paid by the stated deadline. Any payment sent after deadline will be returned and your sign-ups cancelled. Please no cash or check payments. It is preferred that payment should be sent through the prompt that appears when signing up through the website.
If you give less than 48-hour notice for a ticketed event you forfeit your ticket. You must let the Field Trip Coordinator know that you won't be attending; you may sell your tickets to another PACHEK family but must notify the coordinator of the purchasing family’s name.
If you sign up to attend a field trip but do not attend or contact the Field Trip Coordinator, then your family will not be able to attend field trips for one semester after the second offense.
There will be no refunds for field trips that require group reservations if you cancel after the sign up deadline has passed. Those types of field trips require us to pay ahead of arrival.
All payments and deposits for field trips must be sent to the General PACHEK PayPal account. You must send it to the PACHEK PayPal account or your sign up will not be completed and you could lose your spot on the trip. It is preferred that payment should be sent through the prompt that appears when signing up through the website.
PACHEK's co-op exists to provide educational experiences for our families' children through the cooperative efforts of parents who share the responsibility of teaching and supervising in a classroom setting.
Statement of Purpose:
We, the Homeschool Co-op Families, take seriously the charge that God has made to us. "And you shall teach (God's commandments) to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." (Deuteronomy 6:7-9)
We acknowledge that we are our children's first teachers, that we have been directly called for a specific period of time to orchestrate and implement our children's education within our homes.
We believe that our first priority is to lead them in the ways of Christ. Our second priority is to lead them in academic training.
As we teach our children, we accept that we are ministers of the gospel to the community in which we live. We strive to represent Christ as a caring, loving God to all who see us.
General Guidelines:
Families must be willing to stand behind Biblical standards, morals and teachings and be committed to the responsibilities of co-op as listed below. Through our cooperative participation we can offer our children exposure to subjects that we ourselves might be uncomfortable teaching, the benefits from group learning and activities and provide our children with Christian fellowship.
Our co-op is open to all families in good standing and current in membership with PACHEK and who also sign "I personally believe..." on the Statement of Faith. Space may be limited.
Co-op fees must be paid immediately after enrollment.
See our Co-op Policy and Procedures for further information.
If any of these rules and regulations are violated, the following is the discipline procedure:
1st infraction:
Member will receive a verbal warning from a member of the co-op and/or steering committee clearly stating what the violation is and what is expected in the future.
2nd infraction:
Member will receive a written warning from the co-op and/or steering committee clearly outlining the violation and citing Co-op Policy as to how it was violated. The letter will also state what is expected in the future.
3rd infraction:
Member will receive a written letter from the co-op and steering committees detailing all three violations, citing Co-op Policy and how it was violated each time. The member and their family will be removed from participating in co-op, with possible removal from PACHEK as a whole, depending upon severity. Final decisions of severity will be determined by Steering Committee.
Updated and ratified by the unanimous consent of the members July 2023 as witnessed by their signatures below:
Sara Fancher, President
Carol Huffman, Vice-President
Rae Varela, Secretary
Ashley Ball, Treasurer
Krista Alexander, Co-op Coordinator
Jenny Roberts, Field Trip Coordinator
Natalie McVay, Sports Coordinator
Emily Keeling, Club Coordinator and Hospitality Coordinator
Jennifer Couchman, Financial Assistant and Fundraising Coordinator