$9.95/FAMILY PER YEAR (minimum & maximum fees apply)



Multiple administrators lighten the workload.

Delegate. Distributing the workload to other talented people in your group is another way of freeing up your time to homeschool and lead your group. For example, small group leaders could be in charge of their own forum category, their custom page, and their calendar entries. They can do all of this without having full access to the administrative website. This is possible because of a feature we call Additional Administrators. Your group can have an unlimited number of additional administrators.

Additional Administrators. You can assign a specific task and give access to only the tools needed for that task. Each additional administrator is given their own admin login and password. With that login they have access to only the tools you checkmarked when you set up their admin account. Another suggestion for delegation would be to give teachers access to the class registration tool so they can add their own classes, supply lists, and teacher bios. Other routinely assigned tasks are the treasurer administering accounting and the membership secretary administering registration and membership. The possibilities are endless. Start delegating today. It’s that easy!   


  • Website administrator sets up additional administrators and delegates work

  • Access is granted only to the tools needed for the job

  • The shared workload helps everyone contribute to and feel a part of the group