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Maggie Butterfield

Bio Coming Soon!

Beth Cooper

Bio coming soon!

Hannah Ellington

Bio Coming Soon

Shea Lawrence

Shea Lawrence lives in Milford and is blessed to have an amazing family - married 25+ years with four kids and parents who are very supportive. She grew up in Cincinnati, but has lived all over the world including Germany. Her formal schooling includes an international MBA, focused on Finance, IT and German. She has been homeschooling since 2011, inspired by taking her family to a wedding and touring throughout Europe. What an amazing journey God has taken her on! She has taught a variety of classes - babies swimming, maths, science, economics, government and history. She is also an active Realtor, protecting families' money since 2006. The most brilliant thing to her is watching every kid and young adult figure something out for themselves and see the thinking going on, using the gifts that God has given them. It has been an amazing experience to be part of the great community of PATH Homeschoolers.

Charis Murray

Charis Murray is a daughter of the King, Jesus, first.  She is a wife to Tim and mother to Asher (26) and Rad (21) and attends Pierce Point Community Church in Amelia, OH.  She also loves her cat, Keke and dog, Kiesel.  Her passions include spending time in nature connecting with God, her family, helping to instill a passion for the Lord in young people, health and wellness, anything creative, singing…it’s a long and grateful list.  Charis graduated from The Ohio State University in Marion with a BS in Elementary Education (grades 1-8) and is a formerly licensed, former public school teacher before quitting to stay home to homeschool her children. 


Dr. Michael Parker

Dr. Michael Parker, Ph.D.,  is a dedicated believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.  He holds degrees in music education, theology, and philosophy.  His teaching experience includes elementary and secondary education, with the past 20 years as a university professor.  Dr. Parker is gifted in the art of discourse which generates an excellent classroom experience.  As a Christian, an educator, and a grandfather, he believes in the importance of equipping students with a Biblical foundation that will help them navigate through life.  Along with teaching, he enjoys spending time with his family and serving part-time as a music minister in a local church.

Dr. Lori Patterson

I am not really a PATH teacher.  My "classes" in the Life-Site are simply to help train teachers and answer any questions they might have about the site throughout the year.

Reyna Ramirez

Mrs. Ramirez is married and has a daughter. She enjoys cooking, crafts, and spending time with her family. Mrs. Ramirez loves to teach Spanish and her favorite bible verse is Galatians 5:22-23.  Her education includes an Associate of Applied Science in Microcomputer in Business El Paso Community College and she was a secretary and private accountant in Ojinaga Chihuahua, Mexico.  Currently she is the voluntary Spanish teacher at First Baptist Church of Milford.

Kinsey Stephens

Kinsey Stephens, a former homeschool student herself, was raised in a family of artists. After graduating with an education degree, and teaching for 2 years in a classroom setting, she now homeschools her own two children. In 2022, Kinsey began offering art classes to homeschooled students in the Cincinnati area, and has taught over 100 students. 

Gwyn Stout

Bio coming soon!