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Family Policies


As followers of Christ, all behaviors, from students, parents, teachers, and leaders, should reflect our Statement of Faith at all times while on campus at PATH Milford.

Our teachers are General Contractors. Choosing to teach here, they agree to teach in accordance with our Statement of Faith. As general contractors, they run their own classes. We give general rules for the PATH Milford program as a whole, but teachers decide the rules for their class. This includes curriculum selection that does not go against our statement of faith, assignments, grading, behavior rules, etc. This is very helpful in preparing for college where each professor has their own way of running their class.

PATH is not liable or responsible for teen drivers or their passengers.

PATH Milford is a drop-off program. You may drop off your student 30 minutes before the first class of the day as long as one leader has arrived. Students may use the Break Room until the end of class. You must pick up your student on time.  Please plan to arrive early.

PATH Milford is "a la carte!"  We do not require you to take a core group of classes in order to join the co-op program.

Parent Volunteer Responsibilities

Volunteer Positions: Board of Directors, Cleaning or Set up Coordinator, Registration, Tuition, HSL Liaison, Webmaster, setting up classrooms.

Each family is required to participate in a volunteer capacity which looks different every year. Unless you are currently serving in another volunteer role, you are expected to sign up for three volunteer dates which will likely involve setup or teardown. The signup link will be emailed in August.  Your willingness to help is greatly appreciated!

Any family wishing to opt out of the volunteer assignment for the year may pay a one-time, non refundable setup fee of $100 which is due at orientation.

Each family is responsible to mark volunteer dates on your calendar. It is not the responsibility of the setup coordinator or PATH leadership to remind you. If you have a sudden schedule conflict, you may find your own replacement or pay a portion of the opt out fee. Please, let the setup coordinator know ahead of time.

If a family does not show up for their assignment, a $25 fee will be added to their balance. Your accidental opt-out fee is due the following Tuesday or Thursday. Thank you!


Students must be on time and attend the courses in which they are enrolled. Skipping class is prohibited. Due to the nature of our program, it is important that you prioritize attendance.

A pattern of absenteeism or habitual tardiness is disruptive to the class and disrespectful to the teacher. Please don’t make the teacher come looking for you. The teacher may assign penalties for being tardy or rewards for being prompt! 

The parents are to notify each of their student’s teachers and leadership of any absence using e-mail as soon as the date of absence is known. Notification should be in advance whenever possible and should be no later than the morning of the absence.

It is the student’s responsibility to arrange to make-up any work missed due to an absence. Students who fail to take responsibility for their missed work can receive a zero for the assignment(s).


(Parents must check email)

  •  When we have inclement weather, PATH Leadership will determine if the first class of the day will be delayed for 30 minutes or if in-person classes need to be canceled.*
  • An email will be sent by 7:30 a.m. You may text a director when in doubt.
  • PATH does not have make-up days built into our schedule. Most teachers will conduct virtual classes. The teachers will have communicated their plan for non-meeting days in their syllabus. Common choices are: emailing assignments, holding virtual classes online, or adjusting the syllabus. The teachers will communicate that morning via email any further instructions for that day.

*Families may determine for themselves whether or not the roads in their area are suitable; we want everyone to be safe. There is no penalty for staying home if PATH meets in person. In some cases, we may be able to facetime your student so they can still participate. Our families come from all directions and distances, and as we all know, road conditions can vary greatly in the greater Cincinnati area.

Grades and Family Responsibilities

Students must commit to a high work ethic at all times, coming to class fully prepared with all assignments completed. Students must submit acceptable academic work.

Students must have regular access to the following: a computer with printer, internet access, and email (family account is fine).

Families will check their email daily to receive assignments, updates, and messages from teachers and PATH leadership.

Families will print documents (syllabus, handouts, assignments, etc), which the teacher emails, and bring them to class.

Parents are to address any complaints or concerns to the teachers first before leadership or others. Teachers want to know if there is an issue and usually want to work with the parent and student.

Assignment grades, missing assignments, and quarterly report card grades will be submitted online using an online grading system. The current system is Homeschool Life (HSL).

Students are to keep up with homework due dates. Teachers will enter all missing assignments on PATH’s online grading system. Parents are responsible for seeing that their student makes up the missing assignment. 

Teacher policy regarding late work will be listed on their syllabus.

Parents will check their student’s progress and grades weekly using the online grading system.

The high school transcript is the parent’s responsibility. Parents are responsible for printing the end of the year grades by May 31st as they may not be available after that. Teachers are allowed to archive  the grades after June 1st. Parents are encouraged to print the quarterly grades for their record keeping in case there is any malfunction with the online grading system.

Academic Expectations & Probation

If a student’s average quarterly grade falls below 70% and the teacher feels that help is needed, PATH Leadership will schedule a meeting in which the student, parents, and PATH Leadership will be present. Teachers can choose to attend.

All parties will discuss the probationary period and create an Academic Achievement Plan to try and help the student succeed.

Failure to comply or at least try, may result in dismissal from the class.

Our Teachers have agreed to:

Select curriculum that does not go against our Statement of Faith

Provide at least a quarterly syllabus prior to the upcoming quarter

Post grades at least one week after due date

Post end of quarter or year grades within 10 days

Give an automatic zero for classroom cheating or plagiarism. The second offense for cheating or plagiarism will result in dismissal from the program for that academic year.

Behavioral Policies

PATH desires to have a respectful atmosphere, pleasing to God and reflecting Christian standards in words and dress.

Parent and student communication regarding PATH, including emails to teachers, leadership, and parents, will be respectful and Biblical at all times.

Classroom cheating or plagiarism will result in an automatic zero for that assignment.

Students will come to class prepared and with all assignments completed.

Disrespectful or bad talk, gestures, or actions will not be tolerated. Respect will be expected at all times toward leadership, teachers, classmates, parents, the church staff, attendees, and visitors of the facility.

Students must behave properly in a structured classroom setting. Academic, behavior, and social maturity must be at a level as not to distract from the group learning environment. 3/27/22

During class time, respect must be shown by alert attention and participation. Disruptive behaviors such as talking to a neighbor, interrupting, distracting, or the passing of notes are unacceptable. Teachers are welcome to send any students with disruptive behaviors to sit with leadership until class is done. If this happens, parents will be notified.

Students will not use electronic devices, including cell phones, during class time. They will be confiscated for the remainder of the day.

Students will respect property, both inside and outside of the facility. Parents are financially responsible for any property damage caused by their child.

No public display of affection (PDA), such as hugging, holding of hands, or kissing.

Students will pick up after themselves and assist in cleanup.

Students are not to leave campus unless going home for the day. If you find it necessary for your child to leave the campus between classes, the parent must contact the director to give verbal permission and also send an email to PATH saying they gave permission for their child to leave. Groups of teens leaving campus will not be allowed.

Dress Code Policies (I Tim 2:9-10, Deut 22:5)

In order to provide a non-distracting environment, the dress code is to be modest at all times.  Shirt sleeves must be over the shoulder, no sleeveless shirts, tank tops, or spaghetti straps and no cleavage showing.

Shirts must be able to be tucked in; no backs, midriffs, boxers, or underwear showing anytime, including when arms are raised or stretched.

Shirts and pants must not be tight or clingy. Please do not wear leggings/active wear to PATH. Leggings are considered undergarments and not pants.

Skirts and shorts must be at least mid-thigh in length, even with leggings. (No running shorts)

Shirts and jewelry must not display any offensive symbols, messages, logos, or anything contrary to Christian values.

Pants must not have writing across the back.

Leadership reserves the right to define inappropriate and/or offensive apparel.

Church Policies

Everyone, except leadership, needs to enter through the doors at the far end of the building.

Teen drivers must park along the tree line on the far side of the parking lot and drive SLOWLY coming in and going out of the parking lot. Warning: sometimes there are small children in the parking lot.

Students can only be in the designated PATH areas of the Life Center.

Family members and siblings are welcome to come in. Parents are responsible for their children and must supervise, control them, and clean up after them.

Do not bring unexpected or unsupervised visitors. All visitors must have prior approval.

Touching or operating of room dividers is prohibited.

Students will not use the copier.

Students will not use the kitchen.

Selling of products is not allowed for individual profit or fundraising.

Outside programs must help with setting up and putting away tables when the church needs help.

Violation of Policies

Typically, students are given warnings. The first warning will be given to the student privately. The second warning will result in talking with the leadership and parental notification. Depending on the situation, a third infraction for the same issue may result in dismissal from the class or program for that academic year. Something that is more serious in nature may skip to a higher action.

Students will be given an automatic zero for classroom cheating or plagiarism. The second offense for cheating or plagiarism will result in dismissal from the program for that academic year.

Leadership reserves the right to call a parent to have the student removed from campus or the program without any warning. *We want to enforce these rules kindly and ask for your cooperation so the program runs smoothly and consistently for everyone. May everyone strive to live up to their God-given potential!
