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Dress Code

Dress Code Policies (Rom 12:2, I Tim 2:9-10, Deut 22:5)

In order to maintain a good testimony and to provide a non-distracting environment, the dress code is to be modest at all times.  

Shirt sleeves must be over the shoulder, no sleeveless shirts, tank tops, or spaghetti straps and no cleavage showing. 

Shirts must be able to be tucked in; no backs, midriffs, boxers, or underwear showing anytime, including when arms are raised or stretched. 

Please do not wear leggings to PATH. Leggings are considered undergarments and not pants. 

Skirts and shorts must be at least mid-thigh in length, even with leggings. (No running shorts) 

Shirts and jewelry must not display any offensive symbols, messages, logos, or anything contrary to Christian values. 

Pants must not have holes above mid-thigh and they may not have writing across the back. 

Leadership reserves the right to define inappropriate and/or offensive apparel.