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Membership Information


Please do not use this page to Renew Your Membership, unless your membership has expired.  This page is for new member registrations and expired memberships only.   The renewal time has now expired for this year.  If you have been deleted for not renewing, you will need to rejoin as a new member.

Membership Requirements


Tri-Cities Home Educators (TCHE) has been a homeschooling support group since 1991. Our group has around 150 families covering the Chester, Petersburg, Colonial Heights, Hopewell, Ft. Lee, Prince George, Dinwiddie, Sussex, Amelia,  and other surrounding areas in the central Virginia area. We are a Biblically based homeschool support group which means we uphold Christian values and beliefs. We pray at many of our activities and always try to honor God with our behavior.  We do not require families to use a certain curriculum, attend a certain church, or ask what option you are homeschooling under Virginia state law.  TCHE families should be homeschooling in accordance with Virginia state laws.  Alumni and special members of the community may request membership also. (ex. Librarians, Ft. Lee reps.)

TCHE membership is open to families currently homeschooling or families planning to homeschool in the future. This includes families that will file with the local school board or have a religious exemption.  We do not accept membership for families whose child has been expelled from school, those using a charter school from the government school system, or in private school.

All information within our group is private and is not to be shared with others outside our group without permission from each individual. 

 Membership Costs 

$30.00 for 12 months August to August. We take members all year but all membership now expire on August 31st of the following year.

Approval to log into the group site will be given once payment arrives.  Cornerstone payments usually come through quite quickly but check by mail can take up to 10 days.

We work closely with the state homeschool group HEAV, Home Educators Association of Virginia.  We suggest that members join HSLDA, Home School Legal Defense Association and HEAV.  Membership in both of these organizations benefits homeschoolers in our state and around the country.  These organizations work hard to protect our right to homeschool our children.  Members of TCHE will receive a discount number for membership with HSLDA.


TCHE has different events each month. We do take a short break in the summer and some special events may possibly take the place of a monthly meeting.  Visitors are welcome at certain events.

Always Check the calendar for times and dates or to view last minutes changes.  Children are welcome if other arrangements cannot be made or it is a family night, but they will need to stay in the meeting area with their parents and play quietly.



Tamala Howard, TCHE Support Group Leader tchepresident@gmail.com