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New to Homeschooling

I really like the way http://blog.homeschoolstyleco.com/ put this. From her website:

"I was not homeschooled growing up, and was in the camp of NEVER considering it an option (and thinking my friends who did were crazy). However, once my son was kindergarten-age, I felt a strong calling from God that I knew I couldn’t ignore.

I knew that there would be sacrifices and challenges, but I never could have imagined the blessings that would have followed and how my heart would be changed. My “why” for homeschooling was first obedience to the Lord, and to ensure my kids would have a great education. Over these short years, I have seen our family relationships grow stronger; I have been able to help my kids learn at their own pace in ways that work best for them. I have been given the opportunity to disciple their hearts and help instill a love of learning (a work in progress)."

Give your kids the freedom to learn and grow. We believe every child is unique. That children should learn in ways that meet their needs. And that you want the best for your child. Homeschooling gives you the freedom to personalize their education so they can realize their potential.

Choosing to homeschool is a big decision, it will require sacrifice and discipline. But you can do it, and you are qualified. The benefits far outweigh the cost and you will never regret the time you are investing in your children's lives. I highly recommend finding other homeschoolers to connect with, for moral support, being able to bounce ideas off of and to get advice. There are many resources to help you along the way, many I have shared here in our Links Section.

Here are some links to help you decide and know how to move forward.

Exploring Homeschooling

Starting Strong

Once you know your children's learning styles and your teaching style you can go to Cathy Duffy Homeschool Reviews to learn about great curriculums and help you decide.

Before you begin to homeschool or withdrawal your students you need to submit a Letter of Intent to your School District. Know the requirements to Homeschool in MA will walk you through it. You can get more info here. http://www.mhla.org/information/gettingstarted/thirteenpoints.htm

If you want more personalized assistance with getting started and picking materials. I also offer private one on one consultations. More details on the page Ask the Expert.

Here is Quiz to help you identify your teaching style Discovering Your Homeschool Style Quiz - Homeschool Compass

Some books to help you get started are:

Product DetailsEducating the WholeHearted Child -- by Clay Clarkson with Sally Clarkson

Product Details102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum by Cathy Duffy

I highly recommend joinging HSLDA (Homeschool Legal Defense Association). Here are some benefits to joining:


Legal Benefits for Members

  • 35+ years of trusted legal advice
  • Ask any legal question related to your homeschool
  • We'll send letters, make calls, and represent you in court if needed.
  • No scheduling. Contact our legal team by phone or email.
  • For emergencies, contact our live, 24/7 on-call support
  • Membership includes your entire family
  • No extra fees. No surprises.
  • Access to state-specific attorney designed documents and forms
  • Join now to experience personalized legal benefits
  • Answers specific to your homeschool journey.
  • Protection for your right to homeschool in the courts and legislature.
  • Detailed instructions for homeschooling legally in your state.
  • Help with choosing curriculum and getting organized.
  • Caring support. No matter how many questions you have.
  • More time, more confidence, and more peace of mind.

One-on-one homeschool coaching. 100% complimentary.


Tailored advice unique to your situation. This is not generic one-size-fits-all support. Our Educational Consultants know the ins and outs of homeschooling—specializing in getting started, learning disabilities, and high school. We have helped thousands of moms like you. No question is too difficult.

Help for the everyday parts of homeschooling. Need tips for organizing your day? Help with a challenging subject? Trying to find the right curriculum? Juggling real life and school? Looking to connect with others? Find new ideas you would never think of on your own. Get real answers to real questions.

No judgment. No worries. Just compassionate support from highly trained moms who've homeschooled their own kids and walked in your shoes. Together we’ll help you become confident in your ability to homeschool well.

Here are some helpful Videos from HSLDA regarding common questions, there are many more Webinars & Workshops HERE!