SJB Co-op of Baton Rouge Handbook
St. John Bosco Co-op Mission
We are a Catholic co-op whose goal is to collectively inspire our children to become life long learners so that they may grow closer to God and use the gifts He has given them to live in the world authentically. As a domestic church, we guide our children in the ways of Christ’s teachings first and foremost. Our goal as a co-op is to share our talents and gifts with the children so that each class can be a unique experience to inspire further learning.
Parent Responsibilities
Parents are expected to know and encourage adherence to all St. John Bosco Co-op policies and guidelines. You are responsible for organizing and contibuting to different functions you would like to see offered through the co-op. Parents are responsible for helping to maintain a spirit of prayer and virtue towards all members throughout the co-op year. Each family is responsible for returning information and payments by or before stated deadlines.
St. John Bosco (SJB) Co-op has a private website where information can be accessed and communicated. Our website is our primary form of communication. Parents will be granted access once they become a member of the co-op. All participants are responsible for checking the website and reading their e-mails to keep informed of important announcements related to the program. If a technical problem occurs with our website, please contact the St. John Bosco Co-op Website Coordinator.
The following policy is for the protection of the children and families involved, so we can continue to provide the highest quality program for all children. In the spirit of charitableness, please be very considerate of others regarding your children and illnesses.
Teachers and students with the following symptoms should not attend class:
1. Fever (101 or higher)
2. Diarrhea or vomiting
3. Eye drainage
4. Virus or infection (known to be contagious)
5. Head lice
6. Mucus with any color
7. Hacking Cough
Please do NOT attend if you or your child has had any of the above symptoms within the last 48 hours. If a teacher is sick, the co-teacher will teach the class in the teacher’s absence. This rule will be strictly enforced.
Inclement Weather
Determinations about co-op closures due to weather conditions will be based on East Baton Rouge Parish school closures. Co-op closures will be communicated through our website if possible. Parents are asked to please check weather updates via weather channel, TV, radio, or Internet.
Each teacher and student is required to bring his or her own lunch, snacks and drinks to each co-op class meeting day. Lunches and snacks should be brought in some kind of container that can be easily transported. Please remember to pick up after yourself and to not leave any trash behind.
Because we are on a large campus with limited teacher/ parent resources we ask all children to stay in eyesight. "If I can't see them, they can't see me!"
Homework Assignments
In order for classes to be effective, parents are required to review their student’s assignments and make sure they are completed. Teachers should email or post homework assignments for their class to the parents to help ensure completion.
Children Not in the Co-op
Because of limited space at our new facility, children not enrolled in the co-op are not allowed to be on campus during co-op class meeting times. Please make arrangements for your children to be supervised elsewhere on co-op meeting days.
St. John Bosco Co-op Enrollment
Each family must purchase the bookd/supplies required by the class teaher for their children in order to participate in St. John Bosco Co-op Co-op.
Teacher Responsibilities
Teachers are expected to be prepared for their classes and to maintain order in their class so that the students can learn the most possible in class. Teachers are responsible for chosing and having the director approve their curriculum for each class. Teachers are responsible for communicating their expectations for their students. Each teacher needs to utilize the forum for her class to communicate needs and assignments to the parents. Teachers are also responsible for the incentives of each class they teach and how incentives will be earned by the students. As teachers, you are responsible for organizing any field trips that may apply to the material of your class.
Arrival Time
Plan to arrive at least five-ten minutes before co-op. Please note that assembly is scheduled to start promptly at 9:30 a.m. Families who arrive early should help with the set-up of the co-op facility. Children can play on the playground until the bell rings.
If a teacher cannot attend a class, it is the teacher’s responsibility to call the Director and a sub as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the teacher to provide the sub with any instructions or materials for the class as soon as possible.
Building Responsibilities
St. John Bosco Co-op is blessed to be in a Catholic facility where Christ is present with us. We have a responsibilty to make good moral choices in our behavior and conduct as to uphold the integrity of our Co-op. It is our responsibility to make sure all classrooms are kept neat and tidy throughout the day and clean before leaving the building. If there is an issue, please report the issue to the SJB Co-op Building Coordinator as soon as possible.
Toddlers & Babies
The Nursery is offered for teachers working in the co-op. Teachers are welcome to utilize the nursery as needed with instructions for each child. The Co-Teachers can assist with fussy babies as needed.
Teachers are free to wear their babies or bring a stroller into the classroom. Teachers are also allowed to place a portable swing or pack-n-play in the corner of the classroom for their baby as necessary.
Cell Phones
Cell phones belonging to teachers should be on vibrate at all times during program hours. In cases of an emergency, the Directors should be aware of the situation, so help can be available for the class. Teachers and Co-Teachers are not allowed to use their cell phones for personal use during classes they are teaching or co-teaching. Please make sure cell phones are turned on silent during these times so that proper supervision and instruction can be given to the students during this class time.
Students can bring their cell phones and either leave them in the car or turn them off/ or on silent before the start of each class. Cell phones found in use by a student during class will be taken and given to the Director to be returned to the parent at a later time.
Supply Requests
Supplies are purchased by Teachers and the Director with funds collected at the beginning of the year. All supplies need to be purchased by the teacher for the class. All receipts need to be submitted to the treasuror for reimbursement. Some classes may require an additional fee which will be decided by and paid directly to the teacher. All fees will be announced before class signups are required.
Teacher Dress Code
Teachers are asked to wear what they would wear for Daily Mass as a rule of thumb.
Each class will be responsible to sweep or vacuum their classroom before leaving. Each area used should be as clean as or better than when the day started. All materials used should be put neatly back into containers to be used for future classes.
Student Responsibilities
Be virtuous!
Be respectful of teachers and classmates. Adhere to the Golden Rule: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
Be prepared. Bring books, supplies, presentations, assignments and lunch.
Adhere to the dress code.
Be quiet in the halls between classes. No yelling or running.
Be respectful of the building and of others property. Remember that we are guests in the building. If we do not adhere to these guidelines and conduct ourselves appropriately, we may be asked to leave.
When in doubt of whether or not your actions are acceptable, ask yourself "Would I do this if I knew a parent was listening and/or watching?"
The following actions or behaviors will not be tolerated of St. John Bosco Co-op students:
- Lying
- Using foul language
- Gossiping
- Bullying
- Inflicting bodily harm to another
- Disrespectfulness to teachers or fellow classmates
- Jokes or teasing about intelligence level, appearances, personality traits
- Playing with toys during class
- Discussing “crushes” or coupling topics
- Dating is not allowed during co-op
- Removal or adding items to campus without permission
- Anti-Christian references and/ or messages of any kind
Student Dress Code
We will be using the dress code guidelines of the Catholic Church. As an easy guide:
1. Clothing must be modest.
2. Please do not wear spaghetti strap tops, halter tops, muscle shirts, or any short, tight fitting, or midriff shirts.
3. Necklines must be modest and any skirts or dresses must be at least knee length.
4. Shorts must be as long or longer as the person's fingertips when their arms are placed down at their sides.
5. Unusual attire associated with immoral or improper ideas or with an anti-Christian message should not be worn.
6. If you aren’t sure something is appropriate to wear, please don’t wear it.
7. Make sure that good personal hygiene is maintained. All children 9 years and older should wear deoderant. If they fail to wear deoderant, some will be provided at co-op.
Conflict Resolution Policy
Unfortunately, personality conflicts and misunderstandings can occur. It is important that we agree on how to deal with these situations, should they arise. If conflict arises, parents and teachers should seek to resolve the issue on their own in the spirit of forgiveness and in prayer. If either party is unsatisfied or resolution cannot be met, the parties then need to seek the assistance of the Director. There will be consequences for students who do not adhere to actions and/ or behavior that is described above. Consequences will be decided collectively by the board and parents will be adressed and informed before action is taken.
As a last resort, the final decision of conflict will be made by the Board. Every individual has the right to complete confidentiality. We request that no grievance EVER be handled in front of students. We also request that everyone involved keep the matter confidential. There should be no outside involvement without the knowledge of all parties involved. This includes talking to other parents or teachers. Should this happen, it is grounds for corrective procedures or dismissal.
Registration is done on a first-come, first-served basis before stated deadline. Previous enrolled families will be given the opportunity to register early. Should the program have to close registration due to size limitations, families may be put on the waiting list and invited to fill vacated spots at the discretion of the Board.
St. John Bosco Co-op classes are open to families whose oldest participating child is at least 3. years of age. The nursery is provided for teachers.
Please keep in mind that we are unable to accommodate children our families may be babysitting on co-op days.
We do not want to have anyone excluded because of lack of finances. If you truly are not able to afford the fees, please contact the director for payment assistance. Monthly payment options may be worked out on an as needed basis.
Financial Policies
A per family Registration Fee is required of each participating family every year. In addition to the family Registration Fee, Supply Fees are required of each family. Drop-off fees will apply as stated in the fee breakdown form. All fees will have separate deadlines. If families cannot meet the stated deadlines, their spot in the co-op may be given to another family. All parents are required to adhere promptly to those deadlines unless other arrangements have been made with the Director.
Refund Policy
Registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Supply and Drop-off Fees will not be refunded after the Supply Fee deadline if you choose to withdraw, as supplies will have already been purchased and rent of the facility paid.
Discipline and Standards
“Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the parent, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields fruit of the righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” (Hebrews 12:11)
- Parents should monitor their children’s behavior when needed. Appropriate disciplinary measures should be taken privately. Uncooperative or disruptive students will be removed from activities or from the co-op.
- Students should respect authorities.
- For minor infractions, the student will be given a verbal warning, and a written note will be given to the parent or an email sent.
- In cases of more serious disciplinary issues, the following should be considered standard procedure:
- The student will be given a verbal warning by the instructor or director, and the parent will receive written notice.
- If unacceptable behavior continues, the student will be taken to his/her parent for the rest of the day or the parent will be called to come and get their child.
- Lunch time detention may be served with the Director when warented.
- If this behavior continues in class, the student may be dismissed from class and may be withdrawn from the program and no fees will be refunded. Any other participation in future programs will be for a probationary period. St. John Bosco Co-op reserves the right to expel any student from the program, if disruptive behavior fails to be curtailed.
- Parents need to be willing to allow the instructors to discipline their children according to the procedures outlined above and must be willing to abide by the board’s decision to dismiss their children from the class if the instructor deems it necessary.