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Sick Policy

Sick Policy

  • We all love co-op, but please stay home if you or anyone in your immediate family is experiencing any of the following within 24 hours before co-op:
    • Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher within the last 24 hours.
      • You may return to co-op if you have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication ie: Tylenol, Motrin, etc.
    • Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
      • Even if there has been no vomiting within the last 24 hours, please do not return to co-op until you are vomit-free for at least 2 solid meals. "Only being able to hold down liquids" does not count as a solid meal.
    • Rash that is itchy or accompanied by a fever or behavior change.
      • You may return when you are free from itching, or fever, or have been evaluated by a medical professional and deemed non-contagious. Mosquito bites do not apply.
    • Head lice, including an itchy head, or active head lice.
      • Please keep the entire family home if you have head lice in your home.
      • You may return when you have been treated with appropriate lice treatment and everyone has been given the all-clear.
    • Eye infection, including redness, itching, and/or crusty drainage from the eye
      • You may come to co-op if you know it is just allergies.
      • You may return to co-op when the infection has passed. If you have seen a doctor, please do not return until they have given you the all-clear.
    • Sinus issues including a stuffy/runny nose, congestion, or frequent nose blowing.
      • We know this is a common allergy issue so defer to your judgement as a parent whether it is "just allergies" or something more. When in doubt, please stay home.
      • If anyone on leadership notices you or your child exhibiting these symptoms we may come to you to clarify whether it is allergies or a potential cold. 
    • Sore throats and strep.
      • If someone in your house has a sore throat that is not just allergies, or has been diagnosed with strep, please stay home.
      • You may return to co-op when you have been given the all-clear from a medical professional or pain free for 24 hours.
    • Been in the hospital or ER
      • You may come back to co-op once you have been given the all-clear by a medical professional.
    • If you or anyone in your household has been advised to quarantine for any reason please stay home for the duration of the quarantine.
    • If you or anyone in your household has been exposed to COVID or any other illness and you're wondering if this counts as exposure or if you're contagious, please err on the side of caution and stay home.

  • Even though illnesses often skip members within the same family, we ask that if one member is sick the entire family stays home. 
  • We know that kids can appear healthy one minute and sick the next. If any child in your class becomes ill please notify the hall monitor so she can:
    • Find the parent of the sick child and help collect all siblings and family members so they can go home.
    • Arrange for subs for the rest of the parent's classes. 
  • If you or any of your family members come to co-op and are sick you will be asked to go home for the week.