Joy Singers Homeschool Choir Joy Singers Homeschool Choir

Membership Agreement

We, the JOY SINGERS board, respect and agree to not compromise the privacy of our homeschool families. We will not release names or phone numbers of any JOY SINGERS member to outside sources without the express permission of that member.

As JOY SINGERS parents, you agree to maintain the appropriate discipline of your own children while involved in any group activity. You adhere to Joy Singers’ Choir Requirements and Behavior Guidelines as outlined on the website.

As JOY SINGERS parents, you understand that its members solely support our organization through registration fees and volunteering. Therefore, you agree that parents will be responsible for their volunteered co-op activities. Not fulfilling your co-op responsibilities results in exclusion from choir the following year.

As JOY SINGERS parents, you understand that neither JOY SINGERS, nor its members, are liable for any injuries incurred during JOY SINGERS sponsored events.