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Belvoir Home Educators- Constitution and Bylaws

Fort Belvoir Home Educators- Constitution and Bylaws

Preamble:  As home educators in and around Fort Belvoir, Virginia, we wish to establish
a private organization and hereby adopt this constitution and bylaws.

Article 1 – Name and Mission

Section 1 – The name of this organization shall be known as Fort Belvoir Home Educators,
hereinafter referred to as FBHE. FBHE is a registered 501c7 and is not a government agency.

Section 2 – FBHE is a support group offering events, classes, resources, and
community to area homeschooling military and Department of Defense (DoD) families.

Article 2 – Purpose 

Section 1 – FBHE is established to 1) support homeschooling military and DoD families
on Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and its surrounding areas; 2) provide community support
taking no position on religion, partisan politics, or non-homeschooling issues; 3) provide
a forum for members to plan group events, exchange resources and information,
and use individual gifts and talents for the benefit of the group; and 4) raise funds
periodically to develop educational enrichment for its members.

Article 3 – Membership Eligibility, Dues, and Volunteer Requirements

Section 1 – In order to be a member of FBHE, one must: 1) have Fort Belvoir base
access with the possibility of exception by Board majority vote; 2) be a parent or legal
guardian and actively homeschooling at least one child who has turned four years old
by September 30 of that year and is in K-12th grade; 3) agree to pay dues, teacher
fees, and activity fees; 4) agree to adhere to all bylaws, Standard Operating Procedures,
and policies of FBHE; and 5) submit a background check. Security clearance will not be
accepted in place of a background check.

Section 2 – Each member must pay annual dues to be in good standing. Such payment
will usually be tendered on June 1st of each year but may be paid and accepted at any time
during the year. Membership fees must be paid to the Treasurer within seven days of
membership acceptance. If membership is granted between April-May, dues will not
be paid until the turnover of the year, June 1. The membership year is June 1-May 31.
Membership fees will not be refunded under any circumstances. Additional fees may be
assessed for other FBHE activities, such as field trips, clubs, co-op supplies, etc. These
fees are not used for general FBHE operating expenses, are specific to the activities, and
are only applicable to those families participating in the activity.

Section 3 – FBHE operates an Every Member Participates (EMP) policy in which members
are required to volunteer a minimum of 12 hours per year. The Volunteer Coordinator
reviews the volunteer tracker monthly to ensure all members are meeting this requirement.
Possible volunteer options:

A. Serving as a Board Member
B. Leading a field trip
C. Organizing a sport or field day
D. Organizing or leading a class for students or parents
E. Filling an important FBHE position (Yearbook Coordinator, Tween Coordinator, Teen
Coordinator, Mom’s Night Out Coordinator, etc)
F. Helping with set-up, clean-up at Co-op
G. Serve on a committee

Section 4 – No one will be denied membership based on nationality, race, gender, color, sex,
sexual orientation, religion, or age.

Section 5 – Any member may be removed from the group by a majority vote by the Board. No
membership dues or other fees will be refunded. Under these circumstances, the Board
reserves the right to call an Emergency Board Meeting without 72 hours notification to

Article 4 – Board

Section 1 – The FBHE Board consists of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary,
Communications Lead, Webmaster, Designated Safety Lead, Parliamentarian, and President
Elect. Additional coordinators fall under Board-approved Committees. Coordinators do not have
Board voting rights.

Section 2 – The FBHE Board exists to: 1) maintain the overall policy and direction of FBHE; 2)
propose actions beneficial to FBHE and its members; 3) act as representative between FBHE,
its members, and Fort Belvoir officials; and 4) assess and update framework and policies as

Section 3 – Change of Number. The Board may increase or decrease the number of Board
Members at any time within the range of three to five persons. Further changes require
amendments of these Bylaws, pursuant to the process outlined in these Bylaws. A decrease in
number does not have the effect of shortening the term of any incumbent Board Member. If the
established number of Board Members is decreased, the Board Members shall hold their
position(s) until the next meeting of the Board occurs and a new Board Member(s) is elected
and confirmed. FBHE must have at least (3) Board Members and no more than (10) Board

Section 4 – President. Coordinate Board Members in the pursuit of developing and maintaining
a well-rounded, cohesive support group focused on FBHE’s mission. The President acts as the
liaison between FBHE and other Fort Belvoir entities. President will serve a two-year term with
the possibility of extending with a majority affirmative vote of the Board. If possible, the
President will not change over the same year as the Vice President or Treasurer.

Section 5 – Vice President. Assists the President and other Board Members in making and
implementing decisions. Vice President will serve a two-year term with the possibility of
extending with a majority affirmative vote of the Board. If possible, the Vice President will not
change over the same year as the President.

Section 6 – Treasurer. Responsible for leading and maintaining FBHE’s financial records, and
drafts and implements sound financial policies and procedures. The treasurer will serve a
two-year term with the possibility of extending with a majority affirmative vote of the Board. If
possible, the Treasurer will not change over the same year as the President.

Section 7 – Secretary. Responsible for FBHE record keeping; minute-taking at Board and
general membership meetings; recording Board actions; ensuring documents are updated and
maintained; and maintaining all FBHE documents. The Secretary will serve a one-year term with
the possibility of extending it with a majority affirmative vote of the Board.

Section 8 – Communications Lead . Drafts and releases internal and external communications
efforts; maintains FBHE Facebook page(s); serves as liaison between FBHE and outside
organizations; and is responsible for ensuring effective communications channels. The
Communications Lead will serve a one-year term with the possibility of extending it with a
majority affirmative vote of the Board.

Section 9 – Webmaster. Maintain the FBHE website(s) by ensuring information is current and
accessible to members and the community (as applicable). Maintains FBHE calendar. The
Webmaster will serve a two-year term with the possibility of extending with a majority affirmative
vote of the Board. If possible, the Webmaster will seek to train a replacement the year before
stepping down.

Section 10 – Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL). Responsible for ensuring Safeguarding and
Child Protection policies and practices are considered in all aspects of FBHE’s work and for
holding FBHE accountable for responding appropriately to any concerns. DSL will also advise
the Board on required child safety laws and required updates. The DSL will serve a one-year
term with the possibility of extending with a majority affirmative vote of the Board.

Section 11 – Parliamentarian. Parliamentarian will act as a facilitator for bylaws, consultant to
manage meetings and mentor for members on parliamentary procedures.

Section 12 – President Elect. The President-Elect collaborates with the President to learn the
role of the President, to become familiar with the programs of FBHE, and performs any duties at
the request of the President. The President Elect will serve a one-year term before taking the
office of President. President Elect will be elected every two years. The current President can
be elected as President Elect if they have not served both of their terms.

Article 5 – Committees

The Board may create committees to delegate certain powers to act on behalf of the Board,
provided the Board passes a resolution indicating such creation or delegation. The head of each
committee will be expected to attend monthly Board Meetings to keep the Board updated.
Committee members will not be a voting member of the Board. The creation or appointment of a
committee does not relieve the Board or individual directors from their standard of conduct
described in these Bylaws.

A. Co-Op Committee will be responsible for the daily preparation and running of Co-Op.
B. Field Trip Committee organizes and implements field trips and events for FBHE. They
will adhere to all FBHE Bylaws and Policies.

C. Events Committee plans and implements FBHE parties. Seasonal event budgets may be
set during annual budget discussions; additional event budgets must be provided no less
than one month prior for Board approval.
D. Club Committee organizes clubs within FBHE. They will bring proposed new clubs to the
Board before implementation. Annual club budgets may be set during annual budget
discussions; new clubs or updated club budgets must be provided to the Board one
month prior to event.
E. Library Committee maintains all library resources and manages the library resources.
F. Volunteer and Hospitality Committee establishes an engaging and welcoming
experience for all new members. Manages all elements of volunteering within FBHE.
Assist new and current members, make them feel welcome, equip and connect them
with opportunities to serve in FBHE.
G. Nominating Committee identifies positions that must be filled and the requirements for
these positions; recruits candidates and prepares information for the Board’s
consideration. The committee maintains a full record of election results to have a record
of eligibility for vacancies.
H. Student Advisory Committee serves as the voice of students in FBHE’s work. They are
consulted on issues of policy before the Board. Each year, the Committee sends the
FBHE Board a report on matters of importance to FBHE students, providing
recommended next steps.
I. The Board may appoint one or more committees, and at any time may appoint additional
members. The members of any such committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.
Such advisory committees shall advise and aid FBHE in all matters designated by the
Board. Each such committee may, subject to the approval of the Board, prescribe rules
and regulations for the call and conduct of meetings of the committee and other matters
relating to its procedure.
J. There shall be such other committees as the Board may determine.

Article 6 – Board Nomination, Eligibility, Vacancies, and Removal

Section 1 – Nomination. To be considered for a Board position, one must be nominated, and the
nomination must be seconded. A member may self-nominate or selfsecond their nomination, but
not both. All Board Members shall serve on the Board for a term of 1-2 years, depending on the
position, in which the term may be renewed by the Board, not to exceed four consecutive years,
or until he or she resigns or is removed. After serving any four consecutive years, a Board
Member is ineligible for election for a period of 12 months unless there is no one willing to take
the position.

Section 2 – Eligibility. To be eligible to serve as a Board Member, one must meet the criteria for
general membership. The potential new Board Member will attend the beginning of the next
board meeting to meet all current board members before the Board votes, a majority vote

Section 3 – All Board Members will strive to serve for at least a 12-month period. Some
positions require a longer time period commitment.

Section 4 – Resignation. Any Board Member may resign at any time by giving written notice of
such resignation to the President of the Board. The resigning Board Member may be asked to
provide a review of their position and current matters to their replacement.

Section 5 – In the event of a vacated President position, the Vice President immediately
assumes the role of the President. In the event any other Board Member vacates a position,
another member may be nominated and selected to fill the position for the remainder of the
previous Board Member’s term.

Section 6 – Vacancies. All Board Member vacancies may be filled by the affirmative vote of a
majority of the membership, provided that any such Board Member who fills a vacancy is
qualified to be a Board Member and shall only hold the office for the term specified in Article 4 of
these Bylaws and until a new Board Member is duly elected by the Board. Any vacancy to be
filled due to an increase in the number of Board Members may be filled by the Board for a term
lasting until the next annual election of Board Members, or a special meeting called for the
purpose of electing Board Members. Any Board Member elected to fill a vacancy which results
from the removal of a Board Member shall serve the remainder of the term of the removed
Board Member. Any individual who fills a vacancy on the Board shall not be consideredunqualified
or disqualified solely by virtue of being an interim Board Member.

Section 7 – A Board Member who is unable to fulfill the responsibilities and/or obligations of the
position may be removed by a majority vote of the remaining Board Members at any general,
special, or annual meeting.

Section 8 – Election of Board. Board Members are to be voted on and elected at each May
meeting of the Board, unless a special meeting is expressly called to remove a Board Member
or fill a vacancy.

Article 7 – Board Meetings

Section 1 – One Annual Board meeting will be held in May in which elections take place in
addition to general business. General meetings shall be held at such times and places as
determined by the Board, but not less than once quarterly.

Section 2 – A quorum is reached when 2/3rd of Board Members, based on the number of
then-filled positions, is present.

Section 3 – Any matter requiring a vote from the Board must pass by majority vote. Voting may
only take place if a quorum is present at the meeting. In the event of a tie, the highest-ranking
Board Member’s vote will carry more weight and break the tie. Rank is determined by order of
Mention in Article 4 above.

Section 4 – Members may attend Board Meetings to provide input but may not vote. Date and
time of Board meetings will be placed on the FBHE calendar. An agenda will be provided 72 hours
in advance to all members via the common method of communication at the time (website, email, etc).

Section 5 – Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be held at any place and at
any time and may be called by any Board or Committee Member. These meetings will not
provide agendas but will provide meeting minutes.

Section 6 – Action by Board Without Meeting. Any action which may be taken at a meeting of
the Board may be taken without a meeting, provided all Board Members unanimously agree.

Section 7 – Remuneration. Board Member positions are not compensated positions. Except for
the reimbursement of expenses in alignment with the policies and Bylaws of FBHE, the Board
will receive no monetary compensation for their services.

Section 8 – Loans. No monetary loans may be made by FBHE to any Board Member.

Section 9 – Action of Board Members by Communications Equipment. Any action which may be
taken at a meeting of the Board, or a committee, may be taken by means of a telephone or
video conference or similar communications equipment which allows all persons participating in
the meeting to hear each other at the same time. A Board or Committee Member participating in
a meeting by remote means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting.

Article 8 – Special Corporate Acts

Section 1 – Execution of Written Instruments. All contracts, deeds, documents, and instruments
that acquire, transfer, exchange, sell, or dispose of any assets of FBHE must be executed by
the President to bind FBHE after board review and approval. If the President is incapacitated or
otherwise unavailable, then the designated Vice President may execute the respective
documents to bind FBHE. This section does not apply to any checks, money orders, notes, or
other financial instruments for direct payment or FBHE funds which are subject to Article 8
Section 2 of these Bylaws.

Section 2 – Signing of Checks or Notes. All authorizations to distribute, pay, or immediately
draw upon the financial resources of FBHE must be signed by the Treasurer after Board
approval, including any expense reimbursement or compensation payments to Board Members,
Committee Members, contractors, or general members. If the Treasurer is incapacitated or
otherwise unavailable, then the President may execute the respective documents to bind FBHE.

Section 3 – Special Signing Powers. If the President holds an interest which exists outside of
the capacity of being President, then any agreement involving such interest must be signed by a
separate individual officer to duly bind FBHE to such an agreement or instrument.

Article 9 – Tax Exempt Status

Section 1 – The Purposes for which this organization is formed are exclusively pleasure,
recreation, and other nonprofit purposes within the meaning of 501(c)(7) of the United States
Internal Revenue Code or the equivalent section of any future federal tax code.

Article 10 – Insurance and Liability

Section 1 – Insurance. FBHE carries an annual General Liability and Director and Officer
insurance policy.

Section 2 – Debts. Obligations may only be made if FBHE has enough funds to cover the cost
of such obligations at the time the obligation is made. FBHE will not open a line of credit.

Section 3 – Liability. Members are not personally liable for FBHE debts. FBHE is not responsible
for members’ activities.

Article 11 – Dissolution

Section 1 – Upon a Board majority vote for dissolution, FBHE funds will be used to pay any just
debts, obligations, or liabilities as decided by the Board. Assets may be sold to further pay any
just debts, obligations, or liabilities. Any remaining balance will be donated to Fort Belvoir MWR
as an unconditional gift.

Article 12 – Amendments

Section 1 – These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting or at any special meeting
called for that purpose by a majority vote of the Directors. Any member in good standing can
make a motion for an amendment to the Bylaws. Another member in good standing must
second the motion before the Board will vote on the motion.

Section 2 – Emergency Bylaws. The Board may adopt emergency Bylaws which operate during
any emergency in FBHE’s conduct of business resulting from any force majeure incident.
Section 3 – Compliance with State Law. Any amendment to FBHE’s Bylaws shall comply with
the respective laws, rules, and regulations of the jurisdiction in which FBHE operates or
conducts business.

Article 13 – Signatures

Section 1 – As evidenced by our signatures below, we hereby ratify the foregoing FBHE
constitution and bylaws.

The bylaws have been revised as of April 19, 2024 by a quorum of the FBHE board