Young Explorers of Coles County Homeschoolers Young Explorers of Coles County Homeschoolers

Where Do I Start?

Once you have figured out that Young Explorers is a good fit for you, you might be wondering "What do I do next?".  In order to make the membership and class registration as simple as possible we have created a checklist below.

Becoming a member of Young Explorers Homeschool Co-op:

1. Fill out the application for membership under the JOIN link at the top of the website or the button on the homepage.

2. After your application has been reviewed and approved by our administration, you will be emailed and you will have the ability to set up your personal account on our member website. 

3. Pay your membership fee (This can be done immediately or all together at the semester registration, with your class fees.)

4. Start filling out all of the necessary forms: (these are on the members only website page, under forms).  

  • Forms needed are: Background check Disclosure, Authoriazation, and Applicant data forms, Liability Waiver, Illness Policy, and Handbook and Policy Agreement.  Please print these forms, sign, and mail or e-mail a scanned copy to the director.  The director's address will be provided in your acceptance email.

Registering for classes:

1. Once registration opens for the semester, you can either click on the class registration tab to bring up all of the classes for the current semester.

2. When you click on the class that you wish to register for it will open up a description, number of vacancies and students registered for this class, class time and room location, along with the teacher for that class.  On the right side of the description you will see the class fee as well as each of your registered child(ren) with a box next to their name.

3. To register your students the simplest way is to do one student at at time.  Click on each class, one at a time, check the box next to your child's name that you would like to register for that class and click register.  Its that simple.  If you have two or more students that will be in the same classes you can do them at the same time.  Just click the box next to all of the children that you wish to register for that class. 

4. Once all of your students are registered you will see the total cost for the semester reflected on your personal account page.  This will be listed at the top next to Balance.