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Article I – Name

The name of the organization shall be Southwest Georgia Homeschool Association (SWGHA).

Article II –Definition

SWGHA is an organization of families that promotes home education and is dedicated to observing the Biblical commands of Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Leviticus 19:18C, and Deuteronomy 6:6-7

The Lord our God is one Lord. Thou shalt love thy Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

…thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

Thou shalt teach them (these words which I command) diligently unto thy children, and thou shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Article III –Authority

We believe that the education of one's children is an inalienable right given by God which government can neither create, destroy, nor alter. Parents may delegate to others certain aspects of their children's education, but ultimately, all education must be under the control and supervision of parents.

Article IV –Purpose

SWGHA exists for the purpose of providing service and support to home educators within the southwest Georgia area, including, but not limited to the following:

Providing encouragement to homeschooling families within southwest Georgia,

Providing information regarding the legal climate of home education in Georgia and in our nation,

Working to protect the future freedoms of home education in Georgia and in our nation,

Reviewing and disseminating home education materials and information considered vital to home educators,

Publishing the SWGHA newsletter and handbook,

Conducting conventions and other educational activities to provide information and training to home educators and their children, and

Providing social activities for homeschool families.

Article V – Membership

Section 1: Specifications

Membership is open to all home education families who are in agreement with the statements of purpose of this organization and who agree to abide by the guidelines as published in the handbook.

Section 1A: Family

We believe that the family is the basic governmental, social, and spiritual unit created by God. In the family the child learns self-control and social responsibilities while developing a relationship to the Creator and Savior (Eph.6:1-4, Col.3:20-21).

SWGHA defines ‘family’ as one male and one female parent with one or more children, united in holy matrimony (married), although we allow exceptions due to death, divorce, re-marriage, and adoption. SWGHA recognizes maternal and paternal grandparents, natural or otherwise, as part of the extended family. Legal guardians are recognized as legitimate authority, but SWGHA does not grant membership privileges to legal guardians involved in homosexual or cohabitating relationships (Heb.13:4, 1 Cor.5:11, 6:9-10).

Section 2: Expectations

It is expected that all member families will support SWGHA in the work of the organization so that its purposes are met.

Section 3: Applying for Membership

Application for membership is made by submitting a registration form and the annual dues payment to the secretary. Dues must be paid by September 1st .

Section 4:

Term of Membership The term of membership shall be for a period of one-year beginning September 1. Member families will need to renew their membership on an annual basis. Registration and dues will be accepted at the Annual Planning Meeting in August.

Section 5: Voting Rights

Each member family shall constitute one vote.

Section 6: Use of the Southwest Georgia Homeschool Association Name

Member families must obtain prior written approval from the current Board of Officers (the Board) before using the name SWGHA for fundraising purposes, or in any electronic medium for general public distribution. Additionally, members are asked to refrain from making any generalizations in print or in a public forum that would appear to be a reflection of the group as a whole. 

Article VI –Government

Section 1: General Powers

The affairs of SWGHA shall be under the policy direction of the SWGHA officers and advisory board.

In the absence of a President, and until the position of the President is filled, the general powers of the Association will be vested in the Board of Directors.

The SWGHA Board shall include seven elected positions: President, Public Relations Director, Secretary, Financial Director, Communication Director, Education Programs Director, and Activities Director.

The thirteen appointed positions shall include: Graduation, Enrichment, Legislative Liaison, Ministry, Library, Fundraising, Newsletter, Website, Education, Yearbook, Activities, Hospitality, and Field Trips.

The President, Public Relations Director, Secretary, Financial Director, Communication Director, Education Programs Director, and Activities Director shall serve a term of office of two years.

The President, Public Relations Director, Secretary, Financial Director, Communications Director, Education Programs Director, and Activities Director, shall be elected by secret ballot no later than June 15.

Section 2: Organizational Meeting

Prior to the fall organizational meeting, the board members shall meet for the purpose of planning and scheduling annual events and activities, and any other business deemed necessary by the board.

Section 3: Officers

A. Nominations
In the March newsletter, an announcement will appear informing all members that nominations for officers will be accepted by the board between March 1 and April 30. The names of the candidates for President, Public Relations Director, Secretary, Financial Director, Communication Director, Education Programs Director, and Activities Director will be placed on the ballot provided they meet the following criteria:

1. President:

a. A minimum of five years as a registered home educator
b. Two years membership in SWGHA

2. Public Relations Director:

a. A minimum of five years as a registered home educator
b. Two years membership in SWGHA

3. Secretary

a. A minimum of two years as a registered home educator
b. Two years membership in SWGHA

4. Financial Director

a. A minimum of two years as a registered home educator
b. Two years membership in SWGHA

5. Communication Director

a. A minimum of two years as a registered home educator
b. Two years membership in SWGHA

6. Education Programs Director

a. A minimum of two years as a registered home educator
b. Two years membership in SWGHA

7. Activities Director

a. A minimum of two years as a registered home educator
b. Two years membership in SWGHA

B. Election

1. Ballots
The board will prepare a ballot to be included in the May newsletter. Ballots may be cast in one of three ways:

a.   Ballots may be returned to the address indicated on the ballot and postmarked by          the date specified on the ballot,

b.   Ballots may be cast at an election meeting to be held before May 31, or

c.   Ballots may be cast through the official SWGHA website, if available; if not                      available, an online venue that meets criteria as set by SWGHA bylaws and as              approved by the SWGHA Board will be used.

2. Procedure

a.   When casting a ballot by USPS mail, please put your return address on the                    envelope of the ballot, and mail it to the address as designated on the ballot                  (usually the SWGHA USPS Post Office Box). This is to assist the secretary (or              designee) in determining who has voted. Your vote will remain confidential. The            envelope will not be opened until the election meeting.

b.   At the meeting, members will receive a ballot, mark the ballot, and hand it to the            secretary (or designee), who will check the member’s name off the membership            roll as having voted. Members voting in person may be asked to initial the                      membership roll when turning in a ballot as an additional security measure.

c.   Online voting must be secure, and must be accessible according to bylaw                      procedures. When casting a ballot online, families log in using their password and        cast their vote. Ballots cast online will remain confidential, just as votes obtained            using other methods. At the election meeting, at least three board members will            meet to download the online results, taking care to preserve the confidentiality of          the vote.

d.   At least three board members will meet to tally all the votes at the conclusion of            the election.

3. Special Circumstances

In the event there has been no nominee to fill an elected board position, the board may announce an extended nomination time for the open position immediately upon the passing of the usual deadline. Extended nomination time will end May 15th or by Field Day, whichever comes last. Nominees must meet stated requirements for that position. Voting will be handled in the usual manner.

4. Special Elections

In the event an elected officeholder is unable to fulfill their elected term, the board may announce a special election within two weeks of the office being vacated or the Board may defer the special election until the next regular scheduled elections. Nominees will be taken for a period of 30 days. The special election will occur during the two weeks immediately following the nomination period unless it is deferred. Term length will be to fulfill the vacated elected term of that position. Nominees must meet stated requirements for that position.

C. Appointments

The Board additionally has the responsibility of filling the appointed positions as described in Article VI, Section 1, as deemed necessary from year to year from those expressing willingness to serve in those capacities.

Section 4: Guidelines

Guidelines for functions and activities shall be published in the SWGHA handbook. Guidelines shall be reviewed and modified annually by the appropriate chairmen and their respective committee members. This review shall occur after the election of new officers and prior to the announced deadline for publication of the handbook. Periodic changes to the guidelines may be made as necessary by the appropriate chairmen and will only become effective after announcement in the next newsletter. The board may choose to review and/or revise such changes as needed.


With the exception of Articles II, VII, and VIII which are irrevocable and not subject to amendment, these by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular or called meeting of the SWGHA, provided that the proposed changes are presented to each member family at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.


In the event that this association should be dissolved for any reason, then, all assets of the association, if any, shall be transferred to another Christian home school organization.

Updated April 2012, Reflects by-law changes of Jan. 2009, April 2009, Jan. 2010, and April 2012 Reviewed July 2013

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