Nursery Guidelines
Nursery Guidelines
Nursery Coordinator:
- A Nursery Coordinator will be appointed to oversee all aspects of the Nursery.
- The coordinator will see that CHRISM policies, as well as the host church policies, are adhered to.
- The nursery is for use only by parents who are teaching or assisting in a class.
- The parent of every child who will be utilizing this service must check-in and check-out their child.
- While in the nursery, all adults (parents and volunteers) must remove shoes.
Hours of Operation:
- The Nursery will open before Morning Assembly and close 5 minutes after the last class ends.
- Parents are expected to retrieve children promptly after final hour classes.
- Only Parents or Authorized person may check-in and check-out a child. No older Siblings, unless on the Authorization List, can check a child out.
Nursery Volunteers:
- A minimum of (2) two nursery volunteers are required at all times.
- Older siblings may not visit or hang out in the nursery (unless they are assigned there as a volunteer)
- Volunteers are there to assist the Nursery Coordinator with
-changing diapers
-helping with snacks and play activities
-assisting children in the restroom
-wiping tables and toys - After changing diapers or assisting a child in the bathroom, you must wash your hands and the child’s hands.
- ONLY the Nursery Coordinator and scheduled volunteers may help children in the restrooms and change diapers.
- Children should be fed before coming to Co-op.
- A small snack (i.e. animal crackers and juice/water) will be given to toddlers and older preschoolers during each class hour.
- Prepared snacks and bottles brought by the parents will be given to each baby according to the parents’ directions.
Diaper Bags:
- Parents are expected to bring all necessities (diapers, wipes, change of clothing, bottles, etc.) for the child’s care in a diaper bag to each session.
- All articles, including the bag, should be labeled with the child’s name.
Clean Up:
- At the end of each session, volunteers are required to wipe down the changing table with disinfecting wipes. Toys should be wiped off with a clean cloth.
- All washable surfaces that babies come in contact with must be wiped.
- Tables, chairs and equipment shall be cleaned in the same way.